Pupil Blog
Weekly blog by Maddy, Ava, Jack and Kaitlyn
We really enjoyed P.E. this week, we played 'Tig ball'. Jack thought it was 'Great! You had to tig people with a ball. I got 7 people out'. We also played dodgeball 'I was on the losing team,' said Maddy 'But it was still fun!'
R.E. - The Easter Story
Weekly Blog by Bethany and Millie L
This week we have been learning about what happened in the Easter story. The story begins when Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem. As he rode along people came out to see him. They waved palm leaves and thanked God for Jesus. They wanted Jesus to be their…
Pupil Blog
Weekly blog by Bailey, Jenson, Alexa, Millie and Caleb.
This week in class two we have had an exciting and busy week. In English, we have looked at the book ‘Funny Bones.’ ‘We had to change the body parts of the dog like in the story’ said Bailey. ‘We had to describe the cellar using…

Pupil Blog
Weekly blog by Summer, Freya, Luca, Violet, Joshua, Lizzy and Natey
This week in science we looked at Germination. ‘We have put some broad beans in a bag to see if they will grow’ explained Lizzy. ‘We are going to look at them each week to see if they change’ said Violet. ‘It’s funny…

Pupil Blog - Science
Weekly blog by Evie H and Maddie
This week in Science we have been learning about our muscles and how regular exercise can make them stronger. First we exercised our biceps and triceps using water bottles so that we could feel our muscles working. We had to hold the bottles with our arms…
Pupil Blog - Maths
Weekly blog by Billy and Liam
This week in Maths we have being looking at measurement. We have been measuring things like our friends, their feet and objects in and out of the classroom. While doing this we have practised measuring accurately using rulers, tape measures and meter sticks.

Junior Jam
Class 4 enjoy iStopmotion
Blog written by Isla and Lucy
In our Junior Jam sessions we have been creating our very own stopmotion sequences. Stopmotion is where you take a series of photographs, moving an object a little at a time, then you need to speed up the sequence to put them into a…

Pupil Blog
Weekly blog by Lavaya, Renita, Logan and Summer.
This week in Science we have learnt about plants. Lavaya, 'we looked at some of the things that grow on trees, like an apple.' I enjoyed looking at flowers because it was really interesting.' said Logan. Renita and Summer enjoyed…
Pupil Blog - World Book Day!
Weekly blog by Oliver and Alexander
Today we have been celebrating world book day, it is a celebration of authors, illustrators, books and most importantly it's a celebration of reading.
We started the day with a special book day assembly, led by some of our classmates, two gangster…

World Book Day Celebrations
World Book Day Celebrations
Written by: Jason, Zac. Luke and Ethan
On Thursday 2nd March 2017, Aberford Primary School was transformed into a world of imagination and wonder! All of the pupils and staff were invited to dress up as their favourite book character, making it a day full of…
Pupil Blog
Weekly blog by Ava, Kaitlyn, Seb and Maddy.
This week in RE we made Sukkahs. Sukkahs are tents that people used in Egypt to escape the Pharaoh. We had to be very creative. Maddy said 'we had to be very careful because it could fall to bits really easy.' Seb said 'mine kept on falling to…

Pupil Blog - Science
Weekly blog by Bethany and Evie D
This week in science we started our new topic, keeping healthy. We were put into 6 groups of 4 and were given a client profile. Inside, was an information sheet about the client, their weekly food diary and also a list of questions the clients wanted us to…