Pupil Blog - Science
Endangered Animals by Charlotte
This week in science we researched endangered animals.
An endangered animal is:
- a species that is threatened with extinction;
- a species with a small habitat;
- a species that has a small population.
Me and my partner, Maddy, looked at Bengal…
Pupil Blog - Maths

Pupil Blog - Arthur Christmas
Pupil blog by Ruby and Kaitlyn
This week in English we have been looking at the film Arthur Christmas to get us in the Christmas mood. We are looking at the little girl called Gwen and how she didn’t get her present, a pink twinkle bike. We are helping Gwen by writing a formal letter of…
Anti-Bullying Week
Anti-Bullying Week
Pupil Blog by Leighton and Charlotte
This week is anti-bullying week, although we don’t have bullying at our school it is still very important to learn about, because of how mean and un-kind it can be by making people’s lives sad. We first had an assembly about…
Pupil Blog
Pupil blog by Freya and Alexa
This week so far…
In English
We have been continuing our work on the book ‘Friend or Foe’ and have been looking at writing a descriptive setting about when David entered the train station during World War 2. Here are some examples of our writing.

The Blitz
Pupil blog by Evie and Tilly
This week in History we were learning about the Blitz and the need for Anderson shelters.
During World War 2, it was important everyone in Britain played their part to help win the war - this was called the war effort. This…
Building Bridges
Bridge building challenge
Written by Maddie and Millie
In our Design and Technology lesson, we were challenged to work collaboratively to design and construct a bridge structure made out of the materials we had all brought into school. These included: cardboard, string, plastic bottles, pipe…

Pupil Blog - English
Pupil blog by Emily and Maddy
Friend or Foe
In English, we have been learning about a book called friend or foe. It is about a little boy called David who had to leave his home during World War II. He had to leave his family and travel to the countryside with all the other children because…
The first week back in Class 4
The first week back in Class 4
Written by Anna, Holly and Rubie
This first week in Class 4 has been quite challenging but really fun! In English we have started reading an exciting novel called 'Skyhawk'. Mrs Warner always stops reading on a cliffhanger so we are eager to know what will…
Pupil Blog - Science
Pupil Blog by Chloe and Madeleine
States of Matter
This week we have started our new science topic which is ‘states of matter.’ These are solids, liquids and gases.
First of all, we sorted pictures of different objects and materials into groups and decided which of these states they…

Transition into Year 5
Transition day by Millie B and Liberty
Today, the year 4’s went into Class 4 for our transition day. We were mostly excited to be in our new class with Mrs Warner and join up with the current year 5’s again.
First of all, we drew self-portraits of ourselves, then Mr May kindly cut out the…

Transition into Year 4
Transition day by Evie D and Emily
Today was transition day and we welcomed the current year 2s into our class to visit for the morning. First, we all made a circle and played a get to know you game where we all took it in turns to say what our favourite thing was, but we had to remember what…