Pupil blog by Emily and Maddy
Friend or Foe
In English, we have been learning about a book called friend or foe. It is about a little boy called David who had to leave his home during World War II. He had to leave his family and travel to the countryside with all the other children because it was safer.
Here are our diary entries from David after he left his home, take a listen…
Maddy -
Emily -
These are our storyboards of the story so far...
We are also learning about World War II in History and how the war started, it was when Hitler tried to take over the world starting with Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland. Britain didn't agree so declared war!
Our thoughts
Emily: “ I am excited to find out what will happen to David in the story.”
Maddy: “ I am excited about what will happen at the end, will he survive? Or will he be gone?”
14 September 2017
I enjoyed doing the class role play of when Hitler took over Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland. I liked learning about when the planes came over and when the children had to wear gas masks. In Class 3, we wrote diary entries about a boy called David from a book called Friend or Foe.
14 September 2017
I am really liking learning about World War II, out class book is so good so far! I wonder what will happen next!
Skye S
16 September 2017
I remember reading Friend or Foe, it is so good. I hope you like it too :)
Alexander S
16 September 2017
I had lots of fun doing this lesson.
Oliver K-R
16 September 2017
I really enjoyed listening to Maddy and Emily's diary entries.
18 September 2017
Skye, I remember too. I loved that book :)
Alexander s
20 September 2017
The book is so good.
27 September 2017
It was very fun doing this, I love English!
27 September 2017
Friend or Foe sounds good, I wish I was in your class!