Special Educational Needs
at Aberford C of E Primary School
At Aberford C of E Primary School, we strive to support all children to enable them to achieve. To do this, many steps are taken to support them through their learning journey. Quality teaching is vital; however, for some children, there are occasions when further additional support may be needed to help them achieve their full potential.
Meet the Team
All provision for SEN pupils is overseen and managed by the SENCo, Mrs Laura Sanpher, with support from the team. If you wish to contact the team to make an appointment, please call 0113 2813302 or email office@aberfordceprimary.org.uk.
Laura Sanpher
Class 4 Teacher
SENCO, Computing Lead, Year 5 and 6
Nicola Crossley
Head Teacher
Designated Child Protection Officer
Joanna Warner
Assistant Headteacher and Class 4 Teacher
Designated Child Protection Officer
Sarah Goddard
School Business Manager
Designated Child Protection Officer
Emma Johnson
Chair, Foundation Governor
Safeguarding and Child Protection
There are some ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ that parents and carers and young people in Leeds have helped to design. Below is Aberford C of E Primary School’s response to those questions.
What do I do if I think my child might have special educational needs?
- Please contact the school on 0113 2813302 and arrange a meeting with your child’s class teacher and /or Mrs Sanpher our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO).
- We will listen carefully to your concerns and discuss appropriate actions to support your child. This might involve seeking the advice of other professionals if necessary.
How will school support my child?
If your child is making less than expected progress given their age and individual circumstances, the first response will be high-quality teaching by your child’s class teacher targeted at their areas of difficulty. For your child this would mean:
- Your child’s teacher would continue to set high expectations for your child and every child in the class
- Teaching would be differentiated to meet the individual needs of the children in the class
If your child’s progress continues to be less than expected, your child’s class teacher will put in place an Individual Provision Map, extra teaching or other rigorous interventions designed to secure better progress. For your child this might mean:
- Support in the classroom through resources or strategies that your child can use themselves to help them access the lessons.
- Specific group work with a smaller group of children with clear targets to help your child to make more progress.
- These groups might be led by a teacher or a support assistant who has been trained to deliver the programmes.
It might be decided that your child needs support via an outside agency such as the speech and language service or occupational therapy. In this case, your child might participate in group work or individual work in school, led by or directed by a professional who is based outside the school.
Teachers and the SENCO will review all programmes regularly. These reviews will be shared with you each term. If you have any questions or concerns before these times, either your child’s class teacher or the SENCO will be happy to discuss them with you.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
- Your child’s class teacher plans lessons according to the needs of all children in the class. The teacher will ensure that your child’s needs are met. Lessons are planned to challenge and meet individual needs.
- Support staff who may be working with your child are trained to adapt the teacher’s planning to support your child’s needs where necessary.
- Your child’s class teacher and the SENCO will work together to devise resources and strategies that can be used in class to support your child, individually if necessary, or in groups.
How will I know how well my child is doing and how will you help me support my child’s learning?
- Parent consultation meetings take place twice a year and an end-of-year report is given to parents/ carers at the end of the school year.
- Parent consultation meetings provide opportunities for parents/ carers to discuss their child’s progress with their child’s teacher.
- SEN review meetings for Individual Provision Maps take place every term for parents of children on the SEN register.
- In addition, the SENCO is always happy to meet with you if you have any questions or concerns. Please call the school office (0113 2813302) to arrange an appointment.
- We endeavour to offer parent training or learning events in specific areas of the curriculum and always welcome suggestions from parents/ carers.
What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?
At Aberford C of E Primary School, we want our children to thrive in a happy, secure environment where they are cared for and nurtured.
- We have employed a behaviour worker to work with individuals and groups of children who require additional support.
- We also work closely with agencies including, Garforth Extended Services. These offer support to families and children through their family support workers.
- All our staff are trained in Child Protection procedures. Mrs Crossley, Mrs Warner and Mrs Goddard are our designated safeguarding leads.
The following school policies outline in more detail our commitment to the inclusion, safety and well-being of our children:
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Attendance Policy
- Behaviour Policy
- Child Protection Policy
- Disability & Equalities Policy
- Special Educational Needs Policy
These policies are available on the school’s website. http://www.aberford primaryschool.co.uk
What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the school?
We have access to a broad range of services to support our children with SEN and/ or disabilities in school. These include:
Health services
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Physiotherapy
- CAHMS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
- School Nursing
Team Educational Specialists:
- Educational Psychology
- STARS Team (Autism outreach service)
We recognise the need for early support and intervention and have close links with the Early Years Team in Leeds to support children, staff and parents in Reception.
Our links with Garforth Extended Services also enable us to direct parents/ carers to other services that might be available to support them or their child.
What training do staff supporting children with SEN and/ or disabilities have?
Our Chatterbugs Speech and Language Therapist offers support & training to staff to deliver individual programmes for children.
Our behaviour worker is experienced in delivering programmes to support children’s social and emotional development.
All teaching staff have received in-house training in SEN procedures. Staff have also attended training to support their own learning in specific areas of need.
The school is committed to providing staff with continued professional development, which can include training in areas of special educational needs and/or disabilities.
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom?
At Aberford C of E Primary School, we aim for all our children with SEN and /or disabilities to be able to access the full range of extra-curricular activities and school visits enjoyed by their peers. In order to do this, parents/ carers may be involved in the planning of activities to ensure that their child is included and that their child’s safety is ensured.
How accessible is the school?
As a school, we are happy to discuss individual access requirements. Facilities we have at the moment include level access to the school to make the building accessible to all and a disabled toilet facility.
How will the school help my child transfer to the next phase of education?
Transferring to another school.
- If this occurs we will contact the SENCO at your child’s new school and inform them of any special arrangements or support that may need to take place for your child.
· We will pass on any records about your child to their new school through our CPOMS system, where all our information about each child is stored.
Transferring to high school
- The School will contact the high school SENCO and inform them in advance of any children with SEN or disabilities.
- Transition visits will be arranged and additional visits arranged if necessary.
- Your child will carry out additional transition activities in school to help prepare them for the change to high school.
- Any records will be passed on to the new school.
How are the school’s resources/ funding allocated and matched to children’s needs?
- The school’s budget includes funds for supporting children with SEN and/ or disabilities.
- This is worked out using a national formula per pupil. Blocks of funding, currently £6000, are allocated depending on the number of children who meet the criteria and who are on the school's SEN register.
- In addition to this, schools can apply for ‘top-up’ funding, called Funding for Inclusion. for children with high levels of need, if it is felt their needs are above that which can be provided through the £6000 block and meet criteria issued by Leeds.
· There are strict criteria for these applications.
- The school uses the additional funds to put in place appropriate support to meet the needs of individual children. This might take the form of additional staffing to support a child to access the curriculum and develop independence. Advice will be sought from relevant professionals involved in supporting the child.
- Decisions regarding the deployment of SEND funding are made by the Headteacher in consultation with relevant other professionals.
How are parents involved in the school and how can I be involved?
At Aberford C of E Primary School, we welcome parents'/carers' involvement in their child’s learning and recognise the importance of working in partnership. Some of the ways in which we involve parents/carers are as follows:
- Sending out regular newsletters which provide information about learning and events taking place in school.
- Curriculum newsletters are also sent out outlining the learning that will take place that term in class.
- The Governing Body includes parent governors.
- Information evenings are held during the year, for example how we teach phonics.
- We welcome parent volunteers to help with various activities in school, in and out of the classroom.
Who can I contact for further information?
If I would like to apply for a place contact the school office on 0113 2813302 who will give you information on applying for a place. There is also a link on the school website.
If I wish to discuss something about my child?
Contact your child’s class teacher initially.
If I want information about other support services?
Contact Mrs Sanpher on 0113 2813302 or email her through the school office at: office@aberfordceprimary.org.uk.
If I want information about the local authority’s Local Offer
Check the local authority’s web page for details and updates: Leeds Local Offer and Support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
One Minute Guide - Leeds Local Offer