Mapping for writing
Street Child
To launch the start of our new class novel, Street Child, we read the first chapter and then created a visualisation map of the room in which Jim Jarvis and his family live in. We decided upon the items that the family would have in the room and placed them within the…

Year 6 Buddies
Class 1 loved meeting their Year 6 Buddies for the first time. The Year 6 children were so mature and nurturing towards the new children and it was a real pleasure to see and hear the buzz about reading together. Class 1 can't wait for Friday's play time now!

Research on the Romans
In English, the children collected research from a range of different sources. We used books, the internet and fact files. Our research will help us create fact files on how the Romans lived.
Take a closer look at our photos in our photo gallery!

Performance Poetry
Class 2 have had a great morning today. We have been learning road safety poems and performing them to the rest of the class.

In English today we used the laptop to conduct research on different areas of the Stone Age. In pairs, the children researched;
- Cave paintings
- Hunting
- The importance of fire
- Daily life
- Weapons
- Eating habits
- Stonehenge
- Burials
In their English books, they…

English - The Stone Age Boy
The Stone Age Boy
In English today we re-created a hunting scene from our book. Om and her family took The Stone Age Boy on a group hunt, what an experience! We brainstormed thoughts, feelings and actions of each character. It was great fun, bringing drama into our English lessons.
Dragon Dance
Dragon Dance
A belated post to show pictures of Class One's dragon! A group of children worked tirelessly over a number of weeks to create their own Chinese Dragon. To celebrate Chinese New Year we took to the playground to dance with our dragon head, along with the painted red tail and musical…
Pupil Blog - English
Pupil blog by Beth and Ella
In Class 3 this week we have been learning about the River Nile, here is some of the information we have discovered…
Way back (3,500 years ago) the River Nile was the key to survival. It was so important to the ancient Egyptians because they…
English - The Pied Piper
English - The Pied Piper
In English this term, we have been looking at the ballad 'The Pied Piper' by Robert Browning. The legend dates back to the Middle Ages, the earliest references describing a piper, dressed in multicoloured ("pied") clothing, who was a rat-catcher hired by the town to…

We went into the forest!
Into the Forest
Class One absolutely loved going 'Into the Forest' with the rest of the school on Thursday. We especially enjoyed squelching in the mud. We decided it looked like hot chocolate and was just missing marshmallows.
We also enjoyed seeing all the unexpected sights in the forest…

Pupil Blog - Arthur Christmas
Pupil blog by Ruby and Kaitlyn
This week in English we have been looking at the film Arthur Christmas to get us in the Christmas mood. We are looking at the little girl called Gwen and how she didn’t get her present, a pink twinkle bike. We are helping Gwen by writing a formal letter of…
In our grammar lesson last week, we looked at prepositions. Prepositions are very important words - they link words together in a way that makes sense. Prepositions come before a noun (or pronoun) to explain its relationship to other words in the sentence; they tell us the position…