Pupil blog by Ruby and Kaitlyn
This week in English we have been looking at the film Arthur Christmas to get us in the Christmas mood. We are looking at the little girl called Gwen and how she didn’t get her present, a pink twinkle bike. We are helping Gwen by writing a formal letter of complaint to Father Christmas, asking why he didn’t deliver her present on Christmas day, and that she is disappointed.
On Tuesday, we used emotive language to write some amazing sentences about how Gwen was feeling like the sentence: “her brown eyes filled with tears, rolling down her face like leaves falling off a tree”
On Wednesday, we used some of our great sentences to start planning our letter of complaint to Father Christmas, we looked at how to send a letter and what needs to be included to make it powerful.
For the rest of the week, our letters are going to be drafted and wrote up in our neatest handwriting, to make them perfect before they get sent and to make sure Gwen is no longer feeling lonely and terrified that Santa has forgotten about her.
19 April 2018
I would be very disappointed if i didn’t get Christmas presents.