English - The Pied Piper
In English this term, we have been looking at the ballad 'The Pied Piper' by Robert Browning. The legend dates back to the Middle Ages, the earliest references describing a piper, dressed in multicoloured ("pied") clothing, who was a rat-catcher hired by the town to lure rats away with his magic pipe. When the citizens refuse to pay for this service, he retaliates by using his instrument's magical power on their children, leading them away as he had the rats.
This week, we have looked into how the villagers must have felt at the time of the rats' infestation and how they would have felt towards their Mayor who was initially not able to solve the problem. We got into character and wrote letters of complaints to the Mayor. of Hamelin. The earliest known record of this story is from the town of Hamelin itself, depicted in a stained glass window created for the church of Hamelin, which dates to around 1300. So to create an authentic effect we aged our letters using tea staining. Take a look below!
For the attention of the Mayor of Hamelin.
In response to your actions, I am writing to inform you that you have failed in your job as our trusted mayor. The horrid vermin roam our streets full of furious villagers now. Disgusting rats have taken over our lives forever because of you!
Before the rats came, Hamelin was a paradise full of smiley children and sparkly fountains. Trees sang, the wind whistled and the houses danced around the lakes and rivers. Now, vermin roam our land and steal our sprats out of our kegs. While all you do is spend our tax money on coats of ermine. There is only you to blame because you're in charge! Disgusted and terrified, anxious and scared, the villagers weep and sob like an upset fish out of water.
I expect you to get rid of the rats by next week and bring the happiness back into our lives again. I am looking forward to sleeping in a rat-free bed on Monday night. I need my delicious food to feed my lovely family, how would you feel if you were in my position?
Yours sincerely,
a worried villager,
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30 January 2018
I was really excited to write our letters and tea stain them in the afternoon. I love learning about Hamelin because it’s an amazing story
2 February 2018
EveryTime I come to class 3's blog I get filled with joy after watching class 3 do is amazing
22 February 2018
You have done a lot of writing about the pied piper
28 February 2018
I love making the Pied piper letters and even just working on the Pied piper was amazingly fun .
18 April 2018
Wow class 3 thats amazing writing. I love how you stained the letters it looks really effective