Experience Church
On Thursday morning, we were invited by Reverend Martin to take part in an 'Experience Church' workshop at St Ricrius Church. We walked up to the church and were greeted by some wonderful volunteers who had organised 5 activities/ stations for us. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit and learnt a lot about the different services that take place there. We particularly enjoyed learning about the history and importance of stained glass windows. Then we were given the opportunity to design our own stained glass windows on jars using special glass pens.
Our PSHE topic of this term is Mental Health, as we have been talking about and discussing the importance of sharing our emotional and mental wellbeing alongside sharing ideas on how to cheer ourselves up if we're feeling sad, controlling our emotions and also what strategies we can use when feeling down. We have been taking part in weekly yoga classes as a strategy to relax our minds and bodies. This week, we also took some time out to meditate, switching off our busy brains and thinking about a calming, special place and the things that we would take there. As a class, we then lit the stained glass windows we made at church and shared the important, calming items that we would take with us. Afterwards, we all agreed we felt more relaxed and said that this could be a strategy we could all use from time to time to focus our minds.
Take a closer look at our photos in our photo gallery!
30 January 2018
I really enjoyed makin the glass jars at church I even enjoyed all the stations they set up for us to do . Now I know lots more about the church
6 February 2018
I had so much fun at the church my fairat bit was the stained glass because we all got to light them all
28 February 2018
I really enjoyed going to the church and learning lots about god and the church and I loved writing a pray down and putting it in a cross shape .
Oliver k-R
1 April 2018
I bet class 3 had loads of fun at church experience. Glass gar painting looks so much fun.