Keeping Healthy
Eatwell Plates
Today we have been looking at the 5 different food groups that make up the Government recommended Eatwell Plate;
- carbohydrates
- fruit and vegetables
- proteins
- dairy
- sugars and fats
We have been learning about what each food group does for our bodies and what…

Mental health and emotional well-being
Mental health and emotional well-being
Following on from Mrs Jennings' assembly, which helped us to consider our mental health, Class 4 then brought this back in to the classroom to further our learning and thoughts in some animated discussions.
We considered the idea of who and what we…
Class 3's Big Book
The Big Book of Questions
Class 3 have loved their new 'Big Book'! Since coming back to school, the children of Class 3 have been writing down thought-provoking questions and posting them in the book. As a class, we have explored the questions and tried our best to answer them. We have used our…
Experience Church
Experience Church
On Thursday morning, we were invited by Reverend Martin to take part in an 'Experience Church' workshop at St Ricrius Church. We walked up to the church and were greeted by some wonderful volunteers who had organised 5 activities/ stations for us. We thoroughly enjoyed our…

PSHE - Mental Health
Mental Health
Mental health problems affect about 1 in 10 children and young people. They include depression, anxiety and conduct disorder, and are often a direct response to what is happening in their lives.
Alarmingly, however, 70% of children and young people who experience a mental…
Is the Gingerbread Man faster than you?
Storytelling outside
Class 1 enjoyed re-telling the story of The Gingerbread Man. We used masks to be the different characters and all loved being the Gingerbread Man or the sly fox. The children came up with ideas to use the wicker house as the Little Old Lady's house and the blue crates made…

The Little Red Hen
Class 1 have been reading The Little Red Hen
We enjoyed retelling the story and made masks of the different characters. We liked exploring the wheat and flour and thinking about where our food comes from. We also thought about whether we would share the bread with the animals if we were the…

D-Side in Class 4
D-Side in Class 4
(Written by Isla and Anna)
On Monday afternoon, 'D-Side Dave' came back to Aberford to talk about Internet Safety. He talked to us about ways in which we can keep ourselves safe when using the internet and told us the age limits of different social media apps! We discussed…
Class 2 d:side
Class 2 Internet Safety Lesson
On Monday Class 2 were visited by Dave from d:side. He came to talk to us about keeping safe on the internet.
We looked at different safe web browsers, learnt about games that are appropriate for our age group and how to tell before playing. Also about being…