Storytelling outside
Class 1 enjoyed re-telling the story of The Gingerbread Man. We used masks to be the different characters and all loved being the Gingerbread Man or the sly fox. The children came up with ideas to use the wicker house as the Little Old Lady's house and the blue crates made a great river. Fantastic storytelling today Class 1!
28 November 2017
Wow class one I bet you had a Fab time playing the gingerbread man with masks too !!
28 November 2017
Wow class one I bet you had a Fab time playing the gingerbread man with masks too !! Very imaginative.
30 November 2017
Wow class 1 you have done fabulous work on the gingerbread man we’ll done xx
James Stanley - Class 1
28 January 2018
I liked being the Gingerbread man, and I was too fast for the little old lady.
19 April 2018
Wow story telling outside sounds amazing class 1 .