What makes ice melt the quickest?
Class One wanted to conduct an experiment on ice. We decided to find out the answer to the question, what makes ice melt the quickest? We came up with our own ideas of what we could use in the experiment and settled on: salt, heat and water (with one block of ice as a control where we did nothing…

Inspired by our enjoyment of the fireworks on Bonfire Night, Class One have explored the Hindu 'Festival of Light ' Diwali. Diwali is celebrated with lots of fireworks!
We have been learning about how Hindus prepare their houses for the festival and how they celebrate with their families. Some…

Year 6 Buddies
Class 1 loved meeting their Year 6 Buddies for the first time. The Year 6 children were so mature and nurturing towards the new children and it was a real pleasure to see and hear the buzz about reading together. Class 1 can't wait for Friday's play time now!

Exploring the outside space
Class One really enjoyed exploring our outside field area today. The sun was shining and we all had smiles on our faces.
We were travelling with confidence and skill on the balancing and climbing equipment; throwing and kicking the ball and negotiating space successfully playing tig.

Is it magnetic?
Theo used the building resources to create a treasure hunter. This led to discussions about machines that can detect treasure and magnetic objects. We got out the magnets and enjoyed exploring what we could find that was magnetic. We sorted the objects into a Venn diagram - items that were…
Dragon Dance
Dragon Dance
A belated post to show pictures of Class One's dragon! A group of children worked tirelessly over a number of weeks to create their own Chinese Dragon. To celebrate Chinese New Year we took to the playground to dance with our dragon head, along with the painted red tail and musical…
Sporty day in Class One
Class One
What a sport-centred day Class One have had!
In Collective Worship, we talked about how our Christian value of the term, Compassion, was being shown by our donations to Sports Relief.
We then started moving with an obstacle course in the hall. The children showed great jumping,…
Maths in Class One
Class One have enjoyed lots of numbers, shape, space and measure learning in the past few weeks.
Using ten frames has helped us to visualise and play with arrangements of numbers. What does 5 look like? It can be a 4 and a 1 or a 3 and a 2. The more we know and use the numbers and their…

We went into the forest!
Into the Forest
Class One absolutely loved going 'Into the Forest' with the rest of the school on Thursday. We especially enjoyed squelching in the mud. We decided it looked like hot chocolate and was just missing marshmallows.
We also enjoyed seeing all the unexpected sights in the forest…

How will the Gingerbread Man change?
Class 1 have enjoyed reading the story of The Gingerbread Man. We felt sorry for The Gingerbread Man who got gobbled up by the sly fox. So much so that we've explored building bridges for him over the river and also made boats. We also wondered what would happen if the Gingerbread Man had tried to…