Class One
What a sport-centred day Class One have had!
In Collective Worship, we talked about how our Christian value of the term, Compassion, was being shown by our donations to Sports Relief.
We then started moving with an obstacle course in the hall. The children showed great jumping, balancing and throwing skills. We decided we wanted to make some more obstacle courses outside next week.
After lunch, we were lucky enough to meet some real Castleford Tigers players! We had a Q&A session with Mitch Clark, Tuoyo Egodo and Jacques O'Neill. The children were interested in what the players ate and drank to keep healthy, how fast they were and how many bones they'd broken. Then JT the Castleford Tigers mascot entertained us with his press-ups!
After all this excitement we calmed down with some gentle yoga.
I think Class One will sleep well tonight!
18 March 2018
Wow class one I am speechless.
James S
22 March 2018
James had a fantastic time on sport relief day! Especially showing us the JT dance ????
23 March 2018
Wow class one fantastic job training you are probably better than class 4 I’m really impressed with what you can do keep up the hard work
James S
27 March 2018
JT was good and he was good at skipping.
Oliver k-R
27 April 2018
WOW class 1 your sport looks amazing, keep up the hard work.