We have had an amazing week learning all about Brazil. We have researched where in the world Brazil is and found out all the countries that border Brazil.
We have looked at lots of famous landmarks in Rio such as Sugarloaf Mountain, Copacabana Beach, Christ the Redeemer and even…

Class 4 Gymnastics
We had our first gymnastics lesson in P.E. last Friday and were challenged to show off our skills on a gymnastic course. We had fun whilst learning some new techniques. Take a look at the slightly blurred action shots!
Take a closer look at our photos in our …
Sporty day in Class One
Class One
What a sport-centred day Class One have had!
In Collective Worship, we talked about how our Christian value of the term, Compassion, was being shown by our donations to Sports Relief.
We then started moving with an obstacle course in the hall. The children showed great jumping,…

Creative Gymnastics
Class 4 enjoyed Gymnastics with a difference as they were tasked with working collaboratively to form different shapes and structures. When split into two groups and challenged to come up with a structure, one group chose to re-create 'The Great Wall of China' and the…

Team Games
This week in P.E. Class 2 took part in a team games session. The children played games of 'Tag Rugby' and 'Cowboys and Indians.' Team games are a good way of building friendships as well as co-operation and teamwork skills. The children are learning to appreciate each…

In P.E. this week, Class 2 played netball with the instructors from Castleford Tigers.
The session took place on the school field. The first part of the lesson involved passing drills, which allowed the children to learn specific techniques required for the game of netball. They then…

P.E. Dance
Class 4 'Dance off'
During this half term, Class 4 have been working incredibily hard during their P.E. sessions to perfect a whole class dance. This has involved lots of concentration, listening skills, hard work, dedication and team work.
What do you think of our moves?

P.E - Dance
Don't believe me just watch!
*Proud teacher moment*
I was bursting with pride this afternoon watching Class 3 perform their Bruno Mars dance routine. Every single class member worked their socks off learning the complex choreography - well done team and thank you to Laura from Castleford…