Is the Gingerbread Man faster than you?
Storytelling outside
Class 1 enjoyed re-telling the story of The Gingerbread Man. We used masks to be the different characters and all loved being the Gingerbread Man or the sly fox. The children came up with ideas to use the wicker house as the Little Old Lady's house and the blue crates made…

Lost and Found
Class 2 have been reading the book Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers, we have created some amazing pieces of writing as a result. Last week we decided to learn a bit more about penguins and wrote these superb penguin fact files.
Pop along the corridor this week during…
Our new laptops!
English - Research
A huge thank you to all of our parents who have supported PTA events in raising money for our new laptops, the children love using them! In English, Class 3 have used the laptops to carry out research on the poet and writer Robert Louis Stevenson. Robert wrote the poem 'From…
Run! Run! As fast as you can...
...You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man!
Class 1 are reading the traditional tale The Gingerbread Man this week and linking it to all aspects of our learning. Just today we have been retelling the story using character voices, counting how many buttons The Gingerbread Man has, designing…
Baking for Geraldine's Birthday Party
Party preparations
Class 1 are really looking forward to celebrating Geraldine's Birthday on Friday. We have enjoyed baking her some cakes ready for the party. We hope she likes them!
Geraldine teaches us our new sounds. We want to say thank you to her for helping us learn.

The Little Red Hen
Class 1 have been reading The Little Red Hen
We enjoyed retelling the story and made masks of the different characters. We liked exploring the wheat and flour and thinking about where our food comes from. We also thought about whether we would share the bread with the animals if we were the…
Descriptive Settings
In English this week, we have been working on setting the scene and our descriptive writing. We used our WW2 topic as a basis for our writing, imagining we were being evacuated and had just been dropped off at the transition. As a class, we worked together to create a group…

Pupil Blog - English
Pupil blog by Emily and Maddy
Friend or Foe
In English, we have been learning about a book called friend or foe. It is about a little boy called David who had to leave his home during World War II. He had to leave his family and travel to the countryside with all the other children because…

Reports about Osprey
Non - Chronological Reports
In Class 4 we have been enjoying reading the novel 'Skyhawk' by Gill Lewis. We have just reached the part where the two main characters spot an Osprey nesting on a farm in Scotland and are watching it build a nest in order to attract a female.
We decided to…
Newspaper Writing
Class 3 have turned into reporters this week to report of the tragic murder of three innocent little pigs. As a class, we reinacted the crime scene and spoke to some key witesses of the terrible attack. Check back soon for full news coverage on the story ..
Take a…
Newspaper writing
This week we have turned into journalists and been exploring newspaper writing. We worked in pairs to identify the key features;
- headline
- byline
- opening sentence
- quotes
- main body
- pictures/ photos
- captions
- closing sentence
In our grammar lesson today we looked at prepositions. Prepositions are very important words - they link words together in a way that makes sense. Prepositions come before a noun (or pronoun) to explain its relationship to other words in the sentence; they tell us the position of a…