Descriptive Settings
In English this week, we have been working on setting the scene and our descriptive writing. We used our WW2 topic as a basis for our writing, imagining we were being evacuated and had just been dropped off at the transition. As a class, we worked together to create a group piece of writing. Take a listen below ...
"My mother left me. The stench of rotten eggs invaded the train station around me, it hit me in the face like a bulldozer. The green air nearly made me faint. Piercing screams filled my eardrums and exploded with fear in my brain. The howling of children continued into the night. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a gigantic, dusty, old train charged towards me like a stampede of deadly elephants. I jumped out of my skin.
Rain droplets as hard as bullets whipped in the icy air, tormenting children. The frozen, concrete pavement grabbed my legs and tripped me over. I had never been so scared."
My mother left me.
I was very impressed with everyone's setting descriptions today, take a listen to a couple!
Let us know what you think!
28 September 2017
Well done Freya,Liam,Ruby and Beth well done you 4 x
Oliver k-R
1 October 2017
WOW Class 3's descriptive settings sound AMAZING!
3 October 2017
Ruby,Freya ,Liam and Beth and Miss Brown all did a great job.
7 October 2017
Very good descriptions of Friend or Foe
Maddie J and Leighton M
8 October 2017
Well done class 3 they sound great