The Blitz
Pupil blog by Evie and Tilly
This week in History we were learning about the Blitz and the need for Anderson shelters.
During World War 2, it was important everyone in Britain played their part to help win the war - this was called the war effort. This included:
- Volunteering as an Air Raid Warden
- Growing and eating their own vegetables and making good use of rations
- More women in employment
- Making do and mending clothes
- Children being evacuated from London
- People in the countryside taking in evacuees
The Germans wanted to damage industrial areas, like factories and ports, so that it made it harder for the British to move weapons to fight them.
They didn’t just stop at London but bombed many other places throughout the country. They also bombed areas where people lived and thousands of people were killed.
Adolf Hitler thought that if the people of Britain saw others being killed and that their country was being destroyed they would give up and stop fighting them, allowing Germany to take control of their country.
Staying Safe
People in Britain built shelters to protect them from bombs, we looked at Anderson and Morrison shelters. They were often dark and smelly.
Miss Brown recreated two bomb shelters for us in the classroom (tables and sheets). During the war, there were two sirens played in the streets. One was to tell everyone to get inside because there were planes above and the other was to give the all clear.
They sounded like this ..
When Miss Brown played the warning siren we all had to carefully and quickly get into the shelters, they were very squashed and cramped.
Our favourite parts
Evie - my favourite part was hiding under the table
Tilly - mine was having to all get under the tables too
We also enjoyed playing 'Air Raid Shelters' at break time
22 September 2017
It was fun playing World War II !
Beth P
22 September 2017
I really enjoyed this lesson and hiding under the tables!
Oliver K-R
22 September 2017
I bet Class 3 had lots of fun learning about the Blitz. They must have had fun crawling under the tables when Miss Brown played the siren.
27 September 2017
The Blitz looks so good, I wish I was in your class.