Weekly blog by Oliver and Alexander
Today we have been celebrating world book day, it is a celebration of authors, illustrators, books and most importantly it's a celebration of reading.
We started the day with a special book day assembly, led by some of our classmates, two gangster grannies, and Alice from Alice in Wonder land. Later we played a game and wrote book characters on sticky notes and tried to guess which characters we were. We also completed a Horrid Henry word search and voted for the best costume in each year group.
“My favourite books are the Percy Jackson stories, they are about ancient Greek gods in the modern day. Percy is the son of Poseidon and is a demi god living in camp half blood with his friends who are mainly demi gods too. They go on quests to defeat magical creatures and fight in important battles. They are exciting books and I really enjoy them, I came dressed as Percy Jackson today. My favourite part of the day was dressing up as our favourite characters.”
“My favourite books are all of the Harry Potter stories. They are about a boy who finds out he is a wizard when he is eleven and moves to Hogwarts, the school of witchcraft and wizardry. He makes lots of friends but one person wants him dead, the person who cannot be named… Voldemort! Throughout the stories Harry Potter has lots of amazing adventures and has to find ways to defeat Voldemort before he takes over the world. I came dressed as Tom Riddle today who was Voldemort when he was young. My favourite part of the day was seeing everyone’s amazing costumes.”
At the end of the day we all designed a new book voucher token for next year, the winner of the competition will win £500 in book vouchers and have their design printed as next years’ vouchers.
The winners of the 'best dressed' in our class were Tilly (Medusa) and Bethany (Gangster Granny) - huge well done girls! Take a look at all of our costumes below .. who can you spot?
Take a closer look at our photos in our photo gallery!
Daisy H
2 March 2017
It was fun doing World Book Day!
Millie B
2 March 2017
Millie B
2 March 2017
And I thoroughly enjoyed World Book Day!