Weekly blog by Lavaya, Renita, Logan and Summer.
This week in Science we have learnt about plants. Lavaya, 'we looked at some of the things that grow on trees, like an apple.' I enjoyed looking at flowers because it was really interesting.' said Logan. Renita and Summer enjoyed making the helicopters on the playground. ' I liked figuring out how to make my helicopter fly well.' explained Renita
In English we made story mountains. 'In my story there was a boy called Adam, he climbed up a mountain and saved a bear' said Summer. 'We had to make sure our stories were set somewhere exciting like the desert or the jungle. Mine was set in the desert' said Renita. Lavaya comented on how 'we had to make sure we used super connectives other than and.'
We have had a 'happy, exciting, challenging' week in class two this week.