Weekly blog by Maddy, Ava, Jack and Kaitlyn
We really enjoyed P.E. this week, we played 'Tig ball'. Jack thought it was 'Great! You had to tig people with a ball. I got 7 people out'. We also played dodgeball 'I was on the losing team,' said Maddy 'But it was still fun!'
In English this week we have been looking at The Lion King. 'We have had to write a character description. I decided to choose Scar because he was my favourite said Kaitlyn. 'I also choose Scar becasue he was the best character to describe,' added Ava. 'I choose Rafiki the monkey because he made me laugh,' said Jack.
We have had a 'brilliant', 'exciting' and 'challenging' week in Class 2. Check back next week to see what other exciting things we have done.