Can states of matter change from one to another?
This week we have been investigating whether gases, liquids and solids can change from one the other. Our investigations showed they can!
Evaporation is the process of turning a liquid into a gas, it happens all around us,…
Investigating light
Investigating light
Class 4 enjoyed experimenting and investigating shadows this week. They wanted to find out whether certain materials created a coloured or textured shadow! After planning and predicting, they discovered that coloured transparent materials create a coloured shadow (eg.…

Creative Gymnastics
Class 4 enjoyed Gymnastics with a difference as they were tasked with working collaboratively to form different shapes and structures. When split into two groups and challenged to come up with a structure, one group chose to re-create 'The Great Wall of China' and the…
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 5
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 5
This week, Class 4 have been perfecting their maths skills by multiplying and dividing amounts by 10, 100 and 1000. I was very impressed with everyone who took this opportunity to consolidate these maths skills.
Ted - wonderful maths work and…
Homework Hero
Homework Heroes - Week 3
Yet again, this weeks homework amazing! So amazing, I have 4 homework heroes this week! Well done to Beth, Alexa, Emily and Maddie!
impressed this week, helping out her dad with dinner and also beautifully presenting our class rules!

Dunkirk - The little ships
In History this week, we have been learning about the fascinating story of Dunkirk.
In May 1940, many countries in Europe were at war with Nazi Germany. Half a million British and French soldiers were trapped on three sides in northern France by German troops and…
Pupil Blog
Pupil blog by Freya and Alexa
This week so far…
In English
We have been continuing our work on the book ‘Friend or Foe’ and have been looking at writing a descriptive setting about when David entered the train station during World War 2. Here are some examples of our writing.
Abbi's Diary
Abbi's Diary
This Abbi went home with Daisy she was lucky enough to go to a wedding!

Christmas in September!
Christmas in September!
Yes - it may only be September, but it is that time of year again to make our Christmas cards to ensure there is sufficient time for them to be ordered, sent off, printed and returned ready for Christmas!
Class 4 had fun creating a water colour, rainbow backdrop and…
On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, our Year 6 children embarked on their 'Bikeability' training with some achieving their Level 1 and others achieving their Level 2! The rain and wind did not deter them as they perfected their skills on the school playground on Monday, ready to set…
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 4
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 4
This week, I was incredibly proud of everyone for completing their maths homework tasks. Great consolidation of learning from class.
We also had some amazing pieces of work, outlining a 'day in the life' of a chosen famous character.
Billy -…
Descriptive Settings
In English this week, we have been working on setting the scene and our descriptive writing. We used our WW2 topic as a basis for our writing, imagining we were being evacuated and had just been dropped off at the transition. As a class, we worked together to create a group…