D-Side in Class 4
D-Side in Class 4
(Written by Isla and Anna)
On Monday afternoon, 'D-Side Dave' came back to Aberford to talk about Internet Safety. He talked to us about ways in which we can keep ourselves safe when using the internet and told us the age limits of different social media apps! We discussed…
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 7
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 7
Another week of amazing homework! Class 4 were challenged to create a formal invitation to a celebrity ball - and creative they were! There were some fantastic designs - with messages in bottles and origami tuxedos, some beautifully decrated scrolls and a…
Class 2 d:side
Class 2 Internet Safety Lesson
On Monday Class 2 were visited by Dave from d:side. He came to talk to us about keeping safe on the internet.
We looked at different safe web browsers, learnt about games that are appropriate for our age group and how to tell before playing. Also about being…
Homework Hero
Homework Heroes - Week 5
We've made it to the end of the term! Quality of homework and effort put in has certainly not dropped since week one though, I was very impressed this week. However, a few stood out and our homework heroes are Liam, Ruby and Evie!
created a superb diagram of…
Homework Hero Class 2
Homework Heroes in Class 2
This week for homework Class 2 have been finding incredible inventions around the home. They had to explain why their chosen invention is so incredible!
Look at some of the fantastic work they have created.
This week's Homework hero goes to...
Abbi's Diary
Abbi's Diary
This week Abbi went home with Lizzy, she had a great time swimming, at the fun fair in Barwick and on the farm.
Fudge's Diary
Fudge's weekend with Seb
Fudge was extremely lucky to go home with Seb last weekend! The pair went to Leeds light show, on a bike ride and even to Issac's pirate party! Thank you for looking after him, Seb!

Class 2 Church Visit
Class 2 Church Visit
Last Tuesday Class 2 visited the church as part of our RE topic. We wanted to learn more about how and why Christians are baptised. Reverend Martin answered lots of our questions and showed us what would happen during a baptism.
Freya and Luca were great helpers, as…
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 6
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 6
I am blown away with the amazing pieces of homework produced this week! The amount of time and effort you have all put in is demonstrated in your wonderful creations! Building Anglo-Saxon villages from lego and sticks, straw and chocolate! (Yes...…
Homework Hero Class 2
Homework Hero Class 2
Last week it was so difficult to choose just one homework hero, as everyone had worked so hard on their food and exercise diaries, so I had to choose three homework heroes!
Below are examples of fabulous homework from Freya, Max and Luca.
Eden Camp
Eden Camp
We had a fantastic trip on Thursday to Eden Camp, we loved exploring the museum and seeing things we had been learning about in class. The children were amazing, I'm very proud they represented the school so well.
Our favourite parts:
- pressing the 'DO NOT PRESS' button in…
Abbi's Diary
Abbi's Diary
This week Abbi went home with Sam, she was very busy riding, climbing and shooting!