Homework Hero
Homework Hero - Week 2
Class 3 have, yet again, produced some amazing homework! So much so, that this week we have 4 homework heroes! They are; Tilly, Seb, Kaitlyn and Madeleine. Well done guys!
create two beautiful pieces, a poster of our class rules and also photos of her states…

Class 2 are Scientists!
Class 2 have been making predictions today in science. We have each predicted (in mm) how much rain will fall in the next week. We have placed a rain gauge in the soil to collect the rain each day. Every afternoon we will check the gauge and record our results on our…

Our School Library
Our School Library
The children have been visiting our school library every Tuesday afternoon. From next week, the children will be allowed to choose a book to take home to read. The children may borrow the books as long as they need to, however, they will need to be returned eventually so that…

Phonics we are learning this half-term...
The letters and sounds we will be learning this half-term will be: s,a,t,p,i,n,m,d,g,o,c,k,ck and e.
I, Our Tricky Words will be: to, the, no, go, to, she and we.
If you need to come into school to chat with us about phonics, please…

Class 2 Maths
Class 2 Maths
This week in Class 2 we have been doubling numbers in maths. Some children used numicon pieces to help them double their numbers.

Fudge's Diary
Fudge's weekend with Ava
Wow, Fudge has had another busy weekend! He ventured to Flamingo Land on Saturday with Ava and the Brownies. Have a look below .. who else can you spot?
Abbi's Diary
Abbi the Aberford Bear
Last weekend Abbi went on an adventure to Flamingo Land with Kai and his family. She was exhausted when she got back to school after having such a wonderful time!

The Blitz
Pupil blog by Evie and Tilly
This week in History we were learning about the Blitz and the need for Anderson shelters.
During World War 2, it was important everyone in Britain played their part to help win the war - this was called the war effort. This…
Homework Hero Class 2
Homework Hero Class 2
Our homework hero this week in Class 2 is Lavaya, for her super research about Florence Nightingale.

Jeans for Genes
Jeans for Genes Day 2017
Written by Oliver, William and Billy
‘Jeans for Genes’ is about helping people with genetic disorders. A genetic disorder is something that is passed on from your ancestors or parents, like bad eyesight, immune disorders, human development or diseases.
Building Bridges
Bridge building challenge
Written by Maddie and Millie
In our Design and Technology lesson, we were challenged to work collaboratively to design and construct a bridge structure made out of the materials we had all brought into school. These included: cardboard, string, plastic bottles, pipe…
KS1 Story Time Club
Key Stage 1 Story Time Club
We have had a wonderful time today at our KS1 lunchtime story club. Today's story was 'Too Noisy' by Malachy Doyle & Ed Vere.