Class 4 Homework Heroes - Autumn 1
Class 4 Homework Heroes - Autumn 1
I am so impressed with the standard of homework this week! A huge well done to all of Class 4 - you really have put in a lot of thought and effort. It was a difficult choice for 'Homework Hero' this week, but the ones who really stood out…
Homework Hero
Homework Heroes - Week 1
Wow! I have been blown away this week by the homework handed in by Class 3. I am so proud of the evident time and effort everyone has put into their tasks. Homeworks have varied from air raid shelters, to book cover designs, to 'all about me posters' and even apple…

Maths stars!
Decimals and Equivalent Fractions
Year 6's have been revising place value over the last two weeks and have considered decimals in more detail. Today, they concentrated on converting decimal numbers to their fraction equivalent and then fractions to their equivalent decimal.
They also…
Abbi's Diary
Abbi the Aberford Bear
Abbi had a very exciting first weekend with Violet last week. She went dancing and even to a wedding! I wonder who she will go home with tonight and what adventures she will have this weekend?

Pupil Blog - English
Pupil blog by Emily and Maddy
Friend or Foe
In English, we have been learning about a book called friend or foe. It is about a little boy called David who had to leave his home during World War II. He had to leave his family and travel to the countryside with all the other children because…
Homework Hero
Homework Hero
This weeks homework hero in Class 2 is Sam. He produced a brilliant piece of work all about himself. Well done Sam!
Light Specialists!
Light Specialists
In Science, we are trying to put together a portfolio of our knowledge relating to 'light'. We have learnt about the way in which light travels and how shadows are created with an opaque object.
We wanted to find out whether the distance of the light source, in relation to…

Fudge's Diary
Fudge's weekend with Emily
Fudge has come back to school exhausted this week, after a busy weekend with Emily. This weekend was Fudge's first weekend away and he absolutely loved it! Take a look below at what the pair got up to!
Junior Jam
Class 2 have been working with Mr Creffield, our new Junior Jam teacher, for the last two weeks. We have been focusing on clapping in time to a piece of music.
We have then been using the ipads to start to create our own class songs. Our current focus is the introduction and the first…
Junior Jam
Emily and Seb have been working very hard on their song in Junior Jam! Take a listen below ..
What did you think? What instruments could you hear?

Reports about Osprey
Non - Chronological Reports
In Class 4 we have been enjoying reading the novel 'Skyhawk' by Gill Lewis. We have just reached the part where the two main characters spot an Osprey nesting on a farm in Scotland and are watching it build a nest in order to attract a female.
We decided to…
Number and Place Value
This week in Maths we have been working on number and place value, as well as working in pairs to complete a maths paper. I was very impressed with how well the children worked together and their strategies for working out tricky questions.
On Friday, we used…