Decimals and Equivalent Fractions
Year 6's have been revising place value over the last two weeks and have considered decimals in more detail. Today, they concentrated on converting decimal numbers to their fraction equivalent and then fractions to their equivalent decimal.
They also looked at ways in which fractions can be simplified and then played a decimal/fraction converting game with a partner.
Maths is fun!
Alexander S
16 September 2017
That looks like hard work!
Oliver K-R
18 September 2017
I am glad I didn't have to do decimals and equivalent fractions, they're hard!
18 September 2017
I love doing maths and learning about decimals and equivalent fractions, even though I got stuck!
Evie D
23 September 2017
Wow, Class 4, I can tell you have put loads of effort into maths. Well done.
Maddie J
23 September 2017
It was really fun thanks for your support Mrs Warner
27 September 2017
WOW looks like hard work