Maths Reasoning and Problem Solving
Class 2 loves problem-solving!
We are getting really good at giving clear explanations for our answers and giving reasons for our problem-solving solutions. We know how important it is to be able to explain how we came up with our answer.
Today we…
Our Learning This Week
We Love To Learn
So far this week in Class 2: We have written and illustrated our own holiday postcards. Looked at things which are living and not living and found ways to sort them into categories. We have practised counting and Year 1 have used numicon to help them.
Maths in Class One
Class One have enjoyed lots of numbers, shape, space and measure learning in the past few weeks.
Using ten frames has helped us to visualise and play with arrangements of numbers. What does 5 look like? It can be a 4 and a 1 or a 3 and a 2. The more we know and use the numbers and their…
Pupil Blog - Maths
Year 5 - Fractions
Class 4 Y5 Maths Fractions
In Class 4 Y5 have been working really hard solving equivalent fraction problems and were extremely proud of their learning.
Data Collection
This week in maths we are looking at statistics. We will be drawing bar charts, line graphs and pie charts as well as analysing the data presented to us in different forms. To start, we needed to collect our data! We headed outside for more space and, later in the week, will use…
We have been working hard in Class 3 this week, working out the perimeter of tricky shapes! Take a loo below ..
Run! Run! As fast as you can...
...You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man!
Class 1 are reading the traditional tale The Gingerbread Man this week and linking it to all aspects of our learning. Just today we have been retelling the story using character voices, counting how many buttons The Gingerbread Man has, designing…
Baking for Geraldine's Birthday Party
Party preparations
Class 1 are really looking forward to celebrating Geraldine's Birthday on Friday. We have enjoyed baking her some cakes ready for the party. We hope she likes them!
Geraldine teaches us our new sounds. We want to say thank you to her for helping us learn.
3D shapes!
Class 3 enjoyed getting out the Art straws and blu-tac this week, in order to create our own 3D shapes. First, we had to decide what 3D we were going to make, work out how many straws we would need (how many edges the shape has) then cut them to the correct length. Despite the…
3D shapes!
This week Class 3 are looking at 3D shapes! Today we worked out how many faces, vertices and edges different 3D shapes have!

The Little Red Hen
Class 1 have been reading The Little Red Hen
We enjoyed retelling the story and made masks of the different characters. We liked exploring the wheat and flour and thinking about where our food comes from. We also thought about whether we would share the bread with the animals if we were the…