Autumn in Class 1
Enjoying Autumn
We have been exploring all the sights and sounds of Autumn. The children have been counting and counting conkers, sweeping up leaves and sorting the leaves and sticks by size. What fun we've had celebrating Autumn!
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 5
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 5
This week, Class 4 have been perfecting their maths skills by multiplying and dividing amounts by 10, 100 and 1000. I was very impressed with everyone who took this opportunity to consolidate these maths skills.
Ted - wonderful maths work and…

Class 2 Maths
Class 2 Maths
This week in Class 2 we have been doubling numbers in maths. Some children used numicon pieces to help them double their numbers.

Maths stars!
Decimals and Equivalent Fractions
Year 6's have been revising place value over the last two weeks and have considered decimals in more detail. Today, they concentrated on converting decimal numbers to their fraction equivalent and then fractions to their equivalent decimal.
They also…
Number and Place Value
This week in Maths we have been working on number and place value, as well as working in pairs to complete a maths paper. I was very impressed with how well the children worked together and their strategies for working out tricky questions.
On Friday, we used…
In maths this week, we've been learning all about angles. On Wednesday, we ventured out into the rain and spotted different angles in the playground. Our task was to draw around the angles we had found, then label someone else's angle correctly. We used the labels; acute, obtuse, right…
Pupil Blog - Maths
Weekly blog by Billy and Liam
This week in Maths we have being looking at measurement. We have been measuring things like our friends, their feet and objects in and out of the classroom. While doing this we have practised measuring accurately using rulers, tape measures and meter sticks.

Bigger or smaller?
This week in Class 1 we have been doing some amazing maths work! We have been looking at size; ordering from smallest to biggest. We also went on a classroom hunt to find things 'bigger' or 'smaller' than a pen!
Pupil Blog - Maths
Written by Millie B and Millie L
This week in Maths we have been learning about fractions.
In red group we have been making fraction walls by separating squares into different numbers and splitting them into equal sections, we coloured these in and tried to discover any equivalent fractions.…