On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, our Year 6 children embarked on their 'Bikeability' training with some achieving their Level 1 and others achieving their Level 2! The rain and wind did not deter them as they perfected their skills on the school playground on Monday, ready to set out on the roads on Tuesday and Wednesday! Despite returning red-faced, tired and rather muddy, all of our children had a great experience and certainly learned many safety tips for cycling on the roads. We were particularly proud as the instructors reported back on exemplary behaviour and listening skills from all of the children. Our Year 6 pupils were awarded their certificate and badges in front of the rest of the school in our Achievement Assembly!
Evie S
29 September 2017
I think all the Year 6's did very well in bikeability, we all came back on Wednesday very muddy! Everyone put 100% effort into it, well done Year 6's!
Oliver k-R
1 October 2017
Year 6's have been working very hard on their bike ability and have put 100% effort into it well done year 6's.
2 October 2017
Well done year 6 you did amazing.
3 October 2017
I bet they put lots of their hard work and biking skills into bike ability.
5 October 2017
Bike ability was so fun!We all did brilliant.
Jo C
7 October 2017
Well done year 6. Bike ability thanks so much for getting Ethan riding, an amazing job done. He can now go out riding with Rhys. x
Maddie J and Leighton M
8 October 2017
Me and Leighton say well done to everyone for giving it a 100% effort