Building Bridges
Bridge building challenge
Written by Maddie and Millie
In our Design and Technology lesson, we were challenged to work collaboratively to design and construct a bridge structure made out of the materials we had all brought into school. These included: cardboard, string, plastic bottles, pipe…
Class 4 Homework Heroes - Autumn 1
Class 4 Homework Heroes - Autumn 1
I am so impressed with the standard of homework this week! A huge well done to all of Class 4 - you really have put in a lot of thought and effort. It was a difficult choice for 'Homework Hero' this week, but the ones who really stood out…

Maths stars!
Decimals and Equivalent Fractions
Year 6's have been revising place value over the last two weeks and have considered decimals in more detail. Today, they concentrated on converting decimal numbers to their fraction equivalent and then fractions to their equivalent decimal.
They also…
Light Specialists!
Light Specialists
In Science, we are trying to put together a portfolio of our knowledge relating to 'light'. We have learnt about the way in which light travels and how shadows are created with an opaque object.
We wanted to find out whether the distance of the light source, in relation to…

Reports about Osprey
Non - Chronological Reports
In Class 4 we have been enjoying reading the novel 'Skyhawk' by Gill Lewis. We have just reached the part where the two main characters spot an Osprey nesting on a farm in Scotland and are watching it build a nest in order to attract a female.
We decided to…
The first week back in Class 4
The first week back in Class 4
Written by Anna, Holly and Rubie
This first week in Class 4 has been quite challenging but really fun! In English we have started reading an exciting novel called 'Skyhawk'. Mrs Warner always stops reading on a cliffhanger so we are eager to know what will…

Fashion Designers
Class 4 Fashion Designers!
This week, Class 4 were set the challenge of designing a costume for a character out of Aladdin (our end of year production!)
After lots of research, we gathered our ideas and created 'fashion boards' to display these, thinking about the type of character we…

Clay Creations
Clay Creations
In Art this half term, we have produced many pieces of work around Ancient Egypt. We started off by learning about Hieroglyphics and painted these onto sand paper. This created a great effect. We then investigated typical art work of Pharoahs and drew our own portraits using…
Class 4 Homework Heroes - Summer 1
Homework Heroes - Summer 1
This half term, I have been incredibily proud of the pieces of work produced for the homework tasks about Ancient Egypt. All of our Year 5 children have put a lot of effort into these and have completed some amazing creations! From wordsearches to quiz questions, from…

Music in Class 4
Music Fun - written by Ted.
In Music this week we were very excited to play musical instruments which were made from plastic tubes - 'Boom Whackers'!
We were taught how to play these instruments correctly and how to maintain a steady beat.
Playing them was quite simple as we carefully…
Homework Heroes - Summer 1 - Week 3
Homework Hero
This week,Year 5 pupils have handed in some amazing homework. They have shown off their maths skills with a challenging Magic Square activity where they were required to insert values to ensure each row, column and diagonal all added up to the same value.
Do you think you…

Evolution and Inheritance
During our second Science session we started our learning by examining different types of fox, describing the environment they live in and about how the fox's characterisitcs have adapted to this particular environment. The children discussed ancestors, genetic…