This week we have started examining the picture book 'Tuesday'. The plot is rather complicated and extremely
mysterious as frogs, sitting on lilypads, begin their flight through the night sky!
As part of our unit on journalistic writing, we have begun to delve deeper into…
Homework Heroes - Spring 1 - Week 3
Homework Heroes - Spring 1 - Week 3
This week, Class 4 were challenged to produce a detailed map of Aberford, indicating all of the key areas and main landmarks. Most children used Google Maps to help them complete this task; they found it very interesting looking at Aberford from this…

Class 4 - Music
In our Music lesson today, we enjoyed perfecting our vocals to Bon Jovi's 'Livin' on a prayer'.
We have also been learning the notation for the instrumental section and accompanying the music during the 'orchestra' section.
Watch this space for our performance infront of…
Homework Heroes – Spring 1 - Week 2
Homework Heroes – Spring - Week 2
Once again, Class 4 have blown me away with the creative, imaginative and eye-catching pieces of homework they have produced! Keep up the superb standard of work!
I have selected two children who have come up with well-presented, detailed and…
Performance Poetry
Class 4 English lesson By Abigail and Isobel
We have been reading Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. Today, in our English lesson, we listened to some sounds of the sea in a storm. Whilst we listened to this, we wrote down how Michael,…
Homework Heroes - Spring - Week 1
Homework heroes – Spring - Week 1
I am always incredibly proud of the homework produced in Class 4. Every single week, without fail, I am impressed with the standard of work produced, as well as the creativity and detailed ideas!
This week it has been very difficult to select two ‘Homework…