Homework Heroes - Autumn 2 - Week 3
Homework Heroes - Autumn 2 - Week 3
Over the last few weeks, Class 4 have really impressed us with their creative homework! Each week, they select at least one homework
task which this half term, is related to the Vikings!
Take a look at our homework heroes for the last few weeks.

Musical Class 4
Musical Class 4
We really enjoyed our music lesson today where we played the chime bars to accompany a piece of music.
It was important that we played the correct notes, kept to the correct beat and listened well for when to begin!

D-Side in Class 4
D-Side in Class 4
(Written by Isla and Anna)
On Monday afternoon, 'D-Side Dave' came back to Aberford to talk about Internet Safety. He talked to us about ways in which we can keep ourselves safe when using the internet and told us the age limits of different social media apps! We discussed…
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 7
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 7
Another week of amazing homework! Class 4 were challenged to create a formal invitation to a celebrity ball - and creative they were! There were some fantastic designs - with messages in bottles and origami tuxedos, some beautifully decrated scrolls and a…
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 6
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 6
I am blown away with the amazing pieces of homework produced this week! The amount of time and effort you have all put in is demonstrated in your wonderful creations! Building Anglo-Saxon villages from lego and sticks, straw and chocolate! (Yes...…
Investigating light
Investigating light
Class 4 enjoyed experimenting and investigating shadows this week. They wanted to find out whether certain materials created a coloured or textured shadow! After planning and predicting, they discovered that coloured transparent materials create a coloured shadow (eg.…

Creative Gymnastics
Class 4 enjoyed Gymnastics with a difference as they were tasked with working collaboratively to form different shapes and structures. When split into two groups and challenged to come up with a structure, one group chose to re-create 'The Great Wall of China' and the…
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 5
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 5
This week, Class 4 have been perfecting their maths skills by multiplying and dividing amounts by 10, 100 and 1000. I was very impressed with everyone who took this opportunity to consolidate these maths skills.
Ted - wonderful maths work and…

Christmas in September!
Christmas in September!
Yes - it may only be September, but it is that time of year again to make our Christmas cards to ensure there is sufficient time for them to be ordered, sent off, printed and returned ready for Christmas!
Class 4 had fun creating a water colour, rainbow backdrop and…
On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, our Year 6 children embarked on their 'Bikeability' training with some achieving their Level 1 and others achieving their Level 2! The rain and wind did not deter them as they perfected their skills on the school playground on Monday, ready to set…
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 4
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 4
This week, I was incredibly proud of everyone for completing their maths homework tasks. Great consolidation of learning from class.
We also had some amazing pieces of work, outlining a 'day in the life' of a chosen famous character.
Billy -…

Jeans for Genes
Jeans for Genes Day 2017
Written by Oliver, William and Billy
‘Jeans for Genes’ is about helping people with genetic disorders. A genetic disorder is something that is passed on from your ancestors or parents, like bad eyesight, immune disorders, human development or diseases.