Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 3
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 3
After our Scooter Safety and our Road Safety sessions, Class 4 were tasked with presenting all of their learning from these in a creative way. On Monday morning, Mrs Warner was inundated with videos, models, eye-catching posters and information leaflets…
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 2
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 2
Our classroom has been taken over by a 'sea' of fish this week as everyone has been bringing in their amazing, unique fish to add to our whole school display in the hall. Class 4 have blown me away with their creative pieces and have carefully thought about…

Christmas in September!
Christmas in September!
Christmas has well and truly come early in Class 4 this week as we have been designing our Christmas cards ready to come home for families to order! Here is a sneaky peak of our amazing designs.
Take a closer look at our photos in our photo gallery!

Class 4 Gymnastics
We had our first gymnastics lesson in P.E. last Friday and were challenged to show off our skills on a gymnastic course. We had fun whilst learning some new techniques. Take a look at the slightly blurred action shots!
Take a closer look at our photos in our …
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 1
Homework Hero
This week, Class 4 were challenged with selecting at least one task out of a possible four, relating to World War 1. We really did get a wealth of learning which was very impressive.
Take a look at just a selection of the completed work.
This week, we have chosen…

Scooting Safety
Scooting Safety
Class 4 had great fun yesterday whilst learning some crucial safety messages during our 'Scooter awareness' session. All children listened intently and scooted safely as Year 5 and Year 6 were led out on to the streets of Aberford to learn how to use scooters safely on the…
Creative Clay Tiles
Creative Clay Tiles
Our art topic for this half term came to an exciting end yesterday as we created our clay tiles featuring our feather designs. We had to take care to carve our designs, adding texture, pattern and shape. We have learned some fascinating facts throughout the week and have had…
Perfect Printing
Printing Feathers
Class 4 have become perfect printers this morning as they have extended their feather designs using repeated tile prints.
We had to carefully carve our designs into the polystyrene tiles, making sure we did not press on too hard to cause a hole or tear in the…
Fantastic Feathers
Class 4 Artists
We have had great fun this week as we have launched straight in to our Art topic for this half term. We started by closely examining feathers - looking at their textures, tones and make up. We then had a go at drawing our own feathers using different coloured backgrounds…
The Spaghetti and Marshmallow Challenge
Teamwork Challenge
"Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success." (Henry Ford)
Class 4 had a fun-filled first day back as they were challenged to build the tallest tower using only spaghetti and marshmallows. The children had to use many…

School Council Elections
School Council Election
Class 4 were buzzing with excitement on Friday morning as the day had arrived for pupils to read out their manifestos for the School Council election. Candidates nervously read out their proposals and then each year group elected their chosen candidate. We were…

The Firemen visit Class 4
The Firemen visit Class 4
On Thursday afternoon, some of the firemen from Garforth Fire Station visited Class 4 to give a very important fire safety talk. They discussed how all houses should have a fire alarm and advised how a family could write a fire plan - just in case! They also…