Homework Heroes - Spring 2 - Week 2
Homework Heroes - Spring 2 - Week 2
This week, Miss Wensley's Maths group were set the challenge of designing and producing a poster to explain 'Digital Roots'.
We were so proud this week of Ruby, who really considered the layout of her information to ensure this was clear for the…

Mexican Art
Class 4 - Art Attack
As part of our Geography unit, we have been looking at Mexico. We enjoyed studying some Mexican artwork
which is usually made up of bright, vivid colours.
We then re-created some of the pieces, using art work on our tables as inspiration. We could then select…

Firemen Visit
Fire Safety Visit in Class 4
This morning, Class 4 had a very important visitor with some very important messages. A Firefighter from Garforth fire station came to school with some key safety advice for us all.
During the 90 minute visit, pupils were taught about the Fire Triangle -…
Homework Heroes - Spring 2 - Week 1
Homework Heroes - Spring 2 - Week 1
Over the February half term holidays, Class 4 were challenged with an Art task. They were required to produce an art sketch book which contained a range of eye catching landscapes in different environments. These varied from seascapes to deserts,…

P.E. Dance
Class 4 'Dance off'
During this half term, Class 4 have been working incredibily hard during their P.E. sessions to perfect a whole class dance. This has involved lots of concentration, listening skills, hard work, dedication and team work.
What do you think of our moves?
Class 4 creating animals to classify
Written by Evie and Maddie
In Science this week we have been looking at classifying our own made up species. We were challenged to base our imaginary animal on a normal animal with additional features. We created animals such as: dogs with rainbow spots,…
Written by Scarlett and Danielle
This week we have been reading the book 'The Wolves in the Wall'. We read to the part where the family had to leave their house because the wolves, who were living in the walls, escaped into the rest of the house. We were then…
Homework Heroes - Spring 1 - Week 5
Homework Heroes - Spring 1 - Week 5
This week Class 4 were set the challenge of writing a story for BBC Radio 2's 500 word story competition.
The aim of the competition is to to get children excited about reading and writing and to put pen to paper to write a story in no more than 500…

Class 4 presents: Livin' on a Prayer
As promised, here is our amazing performance of this well known song!
Class 4 really are a talented bunch.
Can you spot the different instruments?
Sit back and enjoy the show!
Homework Heroes - Spring 1 - Week 4
Homework Heroes - Spring 1 - Week 4
Last week, Mrs Warner’s maths group were working hard to multiply decimal numbers with up to 2 decimal places (2.d.p)
We learnt a method to help us with this process. Firstly, we needed to multiply the decimal by 10 or 100 to make it into a

Sharing our work across the school
On Wednesday afternoon, Class 4 joined Class 2 in the school hall to buddy together.
Class 4 have been especially proud of their homework this week. Their task was to create a detailed map of Aberford
using 'Google Maps' and then transform this into a…
Classifying Sweets
Written by Alfie and Lewis
On Tuesday afternoon in Science, Class 4 were set the challenge of classifying different types of sweet (this means separating them using a branching key)
The sweets involved were: Rolos, Smarties, Haribo, Liquorice Allsorts and Fruit…