Homework Heroes - Spring 2 - Week 1


Over the February half term holidays, Class 4 were challenged with an Art task. They were required to produce an art sketch book which contained a range of eye catching landscapes in different environments. These varied from seascapes to deserts, sunsets, beach scenes, under water, countryside, mountains, fields, meadows and grasslands.

For each image, the children were required to annotate (label) the landscape with all the different colours, shades and tones they could see, being as creative as they could be with the naming of colours eg, burnt orange, olive green, cyan blue, amber, scarlet and crimson.

Some pupils even challenged themselves further to to recreate one of their favourite scenes on a larger scale using art materials of their choice.

This week, our Class 4 homework heroes are:

Alexander: You drew some beautiful landscapes - fantastic work, well done.

Ellie: Beautifully selected landscapes and very detailed analysing. Super work!




Anna - Your sketchbook was fantastic. Brilliantly presented and very detailed. Great work!


Evie - Some gorgeous landscapes chosen and you really focused on your descriptions and analysing. Very impressive.