Fire Safety Visit in Class 4
This morning, Class 4 had a very important visitor with some very important messages. A Firefighter from Garforth fire station came to school with some key safety advice for us all.
During the 90 minute visit, pupils were taught about the Fire Triangle - this includes: Oxygen, Heat and Fuel - the three elements required for a fire to start. Following this, we watched a short clip displaying just how quickly a fire can spread. Everyone was really surprised at just how quickly this can happen!
The discussion allowed us to think about the dangerous gasses we can breathe in from a fire and how important it is to have smoke alarms in our houses. Don't forget to check yours on a weekly basis!
One of the key messages was about making a 'Fire Plan' in our own homes. This is extremely important as we consider our quickest and safest escape routes in the event of a fire. Children were encouraged to discuss this with adults at home.
Something that shocked us all was the message about making a Hoax Call. A short clip explained how this can easily result in death as the emergency services are unable to attend to a 'real' emergency!
Finally, car safety was explained. The importance of wearing a seatbelt and not distacting the driver were key messages which we will all take away from this discussion.
This was an enjoyable and invaluable session which has given us all lots to think about!