Homework Heroes - Spring 1 - Week 4

Last week, Mrs Warner’s maths group were working hard to multiply decimal numbers with up to 2 decimal places (2.d.p)

We learnt a method to help us with this process.  Firstly, we needed to multiply the decimal by 10 or 100 to make it into a

whole number:

Eg.  12.35 x 100 = 1235

We then needed to use our preferred methods to multiply this number by the other number:

Eg. 12.35 x 6 = 1235 x 6 =

1000 x 6 = 6000

 200 x 6 =  1200

  30 x 6 =    180

    5 x 6 =      30

Total =      7410

Finally, we were required to divide this answer back by either 10 or 100:

Eg. 7410 ÷ 100 = 74.10

For homework, the children were asked to complete 10 calculations similar to the one above, only they had to use money.

Two people who really shone with this method this week were Abigail and Charlie.





Super understanding of this method and they could also clearly explain the process. Well done.