Evolution and Inheritance
Class 4's new Science topic launched today. We started with a game of 'Human Guess Who' which we all really enjoyed. The purpose of the game was to highlight human characteristics and our unique features. This led to a discussion about inherited characteristics…

Pupil Blog - Science
Weekly blog by Evie H and Maddie
This week in Science we have been learning about our muscles and how regular exercise can make them stronger. First we exercised our biceps and triceps using water bottles so that we could feel our muscles working. We had to hold the bottles with our arms…
Homework Hero
This week’s homework hero is Summer.
Summer collected specimens of the plants in her garden as part of our current science topic 'Ready, Steady, Grow!'.
Well done Summer!

This week in Class 2, our science experiment was all about hydroponics. Hydroponics is the method of growing plants without using soil.
For the experiment, the children set up a test farm. This will allow us to see what conditions are needed in order for seeds to germinate. Before we began, the…
Science - Keeping Healthy
Bones in the human body!
This week we have been looking skeletons! We have learnt that not all animals have an internal skeletons and that the presence of this is an important feature in classifying animals. We learnt that a skeleton is needed for support, protection and movement.

Science - Keeping Healthy
Eatwell Plates
Today we have been looking at the 5 different food groups that make up the Government recommended Eatwell Plate;
- carbohydrates
- fruit and vegetables
- proteins
- dairy
- sugars and fats
We have been learning about what each food group does for our bodies and what…

Pupil Blog - Science
Weekly blog by Bethany and Evie D
This week in science we started our new topic, keeping healthy. We were put into 6 groups of 4 and were given a client profile. Inside, was an information sheet about the client, their weekly food diary and also a list of questions the clients wanted us to…

Pupil Blog - Science
Weekly blog by Poppy and Tilly
This week we created magnetic games using the knowledge we have gained during science. In partners we each designed and made the games using paper, paper clips and magnets.
We created different types of games from fishing to cops chasing grannies using our…
Class 4 creating animals to classify
Written by Evie and Maddie
In Science this week we have been looking at classifying our own made up species. We were challenged to base our imaginary animal on a normal animal with additional features. We created animals such as: dogs with rainbow spots,…

Magnetic Games!
On Tuesday afternoon Class 3 was a mess, and for a very good reason! The children were using their creativity and imagination to make wonderful magnetic games!
There were 3 different types of games the children made.
1. Magnetic Fishing
To do this, they made a…

Pupil Blog - Magnetism
Weekly blog by Charlie and Liberty
In science this week our task was to make our own magnetic compasses.
We needed:
- A bar magnet
- A flat plastic lid
- A plastic bowl
- Water
- Compass template
We had to:
- Cut the compass template out and stick it on the plastic lid
- Half…
Classifying Sweets
Written by Alfie and Lewis
On Tuesday afternoon in Science, Class 4 were set the challenge of classifying different types of sweet (this means separating them using a branching key)
The sweets involved were: Rolos, Smarties, Haribo, Liquorice Allsorts and Fruit…