How will the Gingerbread Man change?
Class 1 have enjoyed reading the story of The Gingerbread Man. We felt sorry for The Gingerbread Man who got gobbled up by the sly fox. So much so that we've explored building bridges for him over the river and also made boats. We also wondered what would happen if the Gingerbread Man had tried to…
Science - Light and Dark
This week we have been creating shadows! We had lots of fun on Tuesday, drawing around each other's shadows and creating hand shadows using torches. Can you work out whose shadow is who?
Science - Light and Dark
Mirrors and Reflections
Today, in Science, we looked at reflections! Together we investigated reflective surfaces, how reflections work and the scientific processes involved by taking part in three different challenges:
Mirror Writing-
In pairs, we wrote secret messages to one another by…

Class 2 Shadows
Yesterday, whilst the sun was out, Class 2 took the opportunity to start a shadow investigation. We drew around Lizzy's shadow, with chalk, on the playground. We repeated the investigation each hour to see if Lizzy's shadow moved.
We made sure we carried out a fair test…
Baking for Geraldine's Birthday Party
Party preparations
Class 1 are really looking forward to celebrating Geraldine's Birthday on Friday. We have enjoyed baking her some cakes ready for the party. We hope she likes them!
Geraldine teaches us our new sounds. We want to say thank you to her for helping us learn.

Pupil blog by Ava and Liam
Light and Dark
Our new topic in Science is light and dark. This week we were investigating light.
For the investigation we needed:
- A cardboard box
- Some small objects
- A pencil
- A torch
To begin with we put small holes using the pencil in the top…

Weather Forcast
Class 2 Weather Forecasts
Class 2 have been learning all about the different seasons and the weather across the UK. In groups, we wrote our own weather forecasts and filmed ourselves reading them.

The Little Red Hen
Class 1 have been reading The Little Red Hen
We enjoyed retelling the story and made masks of the different characters. We liked exploring the wheat and flour and thinking about where our food comes from. We also thought about whether we would share the bread with the animals if we were the…
Autumn in Class 1
Enjoying Autumn
We have been exploring all the sights and sounds of Autumn. The children have been counting and counting conkers, sweeping up leaves and sorting the leaves and sticks by size. What fun we've had celebrating Autumn!
Can states of matter change from one to another?
This week we have been investigating whether gases, liquids and solids can change from one the other. Our investigations showed they can!
Evaporation is the process of turning a liquid into a gas, it happens all around us,…
Investigating light
Investigating light
Class 4 enjoyed experimenting and investigating shadows this week. They wanted to find out whether certain materials created a coloured or textured shadow! After planning and predicting, they discovered that coloured transparent materials create a coloured shadow (eg.…

Class 2 are Scientists!
Class 2 have been making predictions today in science. We have each predicted (in mm) how much rain will fall in the next week. We have placed a rain gauge in the soil to collect the rain each day. Every afternoon we will check the gauge and record our results on our…