Pupil blog by Ava and Liam
Light and Dark
Our new topic in Science is light and dark. This week we were investigating light.
For the investigation we needed:
- A cardboard box
- Some small objects
- A pencil
- A torch
To begin with we put small holes using the pencil in the top of the box to see if we could see the objects inside. We couldn’t see anything.
Next, week put holes in the side of the box and looked to see if we could see an object. We couldn’t see anything.
Next, we shone the torch through the top holes to help us see through the box. We couldn’t see anything.
Then we shone the torch through the side of the box. We could see some items.
The three things that we learnt during this investigation were.
- Darkness is the absence of light.
- You need light to see
- Light travels in straight lines.
Our favourite parts
Ava: “My favourite part of the lesson was creating the poster about different light sources, including, a candle, the sun and a light bulb.”
Liam: “I enjoyed doing the investigation and putting holes in the box to try and see in it”
6 November 2017
I like Miss Brown and Mr Gregory because they make me laugh!
6 November 2017
It was a lot of fun making holes in the boxes and looking through the holes.
9 November 2017
I really like our new topic in science light and Dark x