Light Specialists!
Light Specialists
In Science, we are trying to put together a portfolio of our knowledge relating to 'light'. We have learnt about the way in which light travels and how shadows are created with an opaque object.
We wanted to find out whether the distance of the light source, in relation to…
Pupil Blog - Science
Pupil Blog by Chloe and Madeleine
States of Matter
This week we have started our new science topic which is ‘states of matter.’ These are solids, liquids and gases.
First of all, we sorted pictures of different objects and materials into groups and decided which of these states they…
Science - Flowers
Weekly blog by Millie B and Poppy
Paper-copter seeds
In Science, we have been learning about pollinating flowers. Today, we looked at the importance of seeds falling far from their parent tree, as if they fall right underneath they would not have enough space, water or light. It's vital…
Science - Flowers
Pollinating Flowers by William S
We looked at the reproductive parts of the flower in Science yesterday. The reproductive parts include;
- Stamen - produces the pollen
- Stigma - is sticky so it makes the pollen stick to the plant from a bee, it then sends it to the ovaries
- Style - sends…

Our KW Grid
For our topic input the children told me what they already know about minibeasts. They then had to think of what they would like to know. There were some lovely ideas, such as "does anyone make minibeast art?" and wondering if ladybirds get a new spot every birthday! We put all of…
Planting our sunflowers!
It was time! Our sunflowers were ready to be planted into the flower beds today, we watered the soil and propped them up with gardening canes. We hope they flourish in their now home!
Take a closer look at our photos in our photo gallery!
Look at how big our sunflowers are now.. they're just about ready to be planted outside.
At lunchtime, some volunteers helped to move some soil to get the flowers beds ready. We had to move and rake the soil, as well as removing all the weeds! Thank you for helping…
Pupil Blog - Science
Weekly blog by Emily and Poppy: What do seedlings need to grow well?
In Class 3, for the last three weeks we have been identifying and describing the different parts of plants: roots, stem, leaves and flowers. We have also been exploring the requirements of plants for life and growth and what…
What parts of a plant do we eat?
Well, that completely depends of what type of plant it is. Today Class 3 have been classifying plants, according to which part is eaten. There are 6 categories:
- Stem and shoots
- Leaves
- Roots
- Flowers
- Fruits
- Nuts and seeds
We then had great…

Evolution and Inheritance
During our second Science session we started our learning by examining different types of fox, describing the environment they live in and about how the fox's characterisitcs have adapted to this particular environment. The children discussed ancestors, genetic…
This afternoon Class 3 have been identifying and describing different parts of flowering plants, including the roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers. The children took their time, carefully drawing the plants, then labelled and annotated their drawings from their close…

Science - Plants!
Plants - Roots and Shoots!
Over the Easter holidays, Miss Brown planted us some sunflower seeds so they would turn into seedlings, ready for our science investigations.
This afternoon, we set up an investigation to find out how important the requirements for plant life are. We are going…