This afternoon Class 3 have been identifying and describing different parts of flowering plants, including the roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers. The children took their time, carefully drawing the plants, then labelled and annotated their drawings from their close observations.
But that wasn't all!
Take a look at our sunflowers now, haven't they grown? So much so that they need re-potting! Each group ventured into the green house to re-pot their sunflowers. Of course, apart from a couple which are being starved of soil and space! Our tallest sunflower so far is 9cm tall!
Take a closer look at our photos in our photo gallery!
26 April 2017
I liked re potting our sunflowers.
I also liked drawing the plants and labelling them.
29 April 2017
I loved re potting our sunflowers, drawing them and I liked labelling them. Thank you Miss Brown.