Weekly blog by Poppy and Tilly
This week we created magnetic games using the knowledge we have gained during science. In partners we each designed and made the games using paper, paper clips and magnets.
We created different types of games from fishing to cops chasing grannies using our imaginations and sharing ideas.
Class 1 were invited to play the games that we created and we all had lots of fun trying each one out. Not all of the games worked out as well as we hoped but we persevered and got them working in the end.
Take a look at some of the photos to see for yourself.
Favourite parts of this week
Poppy: “I enjoyed explaining to the children from class one how to play the game I made and I think they enjoyed playing the games we created.”
Tilly: “I enjoyed class 1 visiting our class and sharing our games.”
Take a closer look at our photos in our photo gallery!
9 February 2017
Daddy enjoyed reading about our games and looking at the pictures.Mummy thought the games looked interesting and were a bit like a game she used to play. I enjoyed making and designing them.
10 February 2017
I really liked making mine and Caden's magnetic game.
Millie B
11 February 2017
I loved all of them because they were all very creative, it was a lot of fun and I loved it.
Alexander S
16 February 2017
I love it because Class 1 came and played our games :)
Skye S
17 February 2017
That must have been really fun! I wish we could have made one, my brother (Alexander) really enjoyed playing and made a lovely game with Liam. "We loved it" said my brothers, Alexander and Herbie :)