Pupil Blog
Weekly blog by Keean, Bailey, Summer, George, Luca, Freya and Jessica
This week in English we have been working on tongue twisters. Keean thought ‘they were really hard to say.’ Luca thought they were ‘good, but really hard.’ George said ‘it was hard and we sometimes got a little…

In English this half term we have been studying Ancient Greek mythology. This week, we have been writing all out Hercules.
After Hercules killed his wife and children, he went to the oracle at Delphi. He prayed to the god Apollo for guidance. Hercules was told to serve the king of…

Pupil Blog - Science
Weekly blog by Poppy and Tilly
This week we created magnetic games using the knowledge we have gained during science. In partners we each designed and made the games using paper, paper clips and magnets.
We created different types of games from fishing to cops chasing grannies using our…

Bigger or smaller?
This week in Class 1 we have been doing some amazing maths work! We have been looking at size; ordering from smallest to biggest. We also went on a classroom hunt to find things 'bigger' or 'smaller' than a pen!
Class 4 creating animals to classify
Written by Evie and Maddie
In Science this week we have been looking at classifying our own made up species. We were challenged to base our imaginary animal on a normal animal with additional features. We created animals such as: dogs with rainbow spots,…
Written by Scarlett and Danielle
This week we have been reading the book 'The Wolves in the Wall'. We read to the part where the family had to leave their house because the wolves, who were living in the walls, escaped into the rest of the house. We were then…

As part of their weekly music sessions, Class 2 has accompanied their singing skills by learning to play a new instrument. During music today, Class 2 played the chime bars. They have played the chime bars in music before, so the session was a perfect opportunity for them to continue to develop…

Magnetic Games!
On Tuesday afternoon Class 3 was a mess, and for a very good reason! The children were using their creativity and imagination to make wonderful magnetic games!
There were 3 different types of games the children made.
1. Magnetic Fishing
To do this, they made a…
Homework Hero
Homework Heroes - Week 5
It's our final week of this term, which means our final homework heroes of Spring 1!
Our homework heroes are Oliver, Chloe S and Millie B - well done, you've all done a fabulous job this week!
put in a huge amount of time and effort into painting a…
Homework Heroes - Spring 1 - Week 5
Homework Heroes - Spring 1 - Week 5
This week Class 4 were set the challenge of writing a story for BBC Radio 2's 500 word story competition.
The aim of the competition is to to get children excited about reading and writing and to put pen to paper to write a story in no more than 500…

P.E - Dance
Don't believe me just watch!
*Proud teacher moment*
I was bursting with pride this afternoon watching Class 3 perform their Bruno Mars dance routine. Every single class member worked their socks off learning the complex choreography - well done team and thank you to Laura from Castleford…

Leo's Diary
Leo's Weekend Diary - Alexander
Wow, Leo has had a very busy weekend! He was fortunate enough to go home with Alexander this weekend and has had great fun playing the trumpet, riding on Alexander's skateboard, going swimming and even eating sweets and chocolate cake! Thank you for looking after…