Homework Heroes
This weeks homework hero is Ava.
Ava made a wonderful powerpoint presentation about turtles. Lots of amazing facts!
Well done Ava!

Pupil Blog - Magnetism
Weekly blog by Charlie and Liberty
In science this week our task was to make our own magnetic compasses.
We needed:
- A bar magnet
- A flat plastic lid
- A plastic bowl
- Water
- Compass template
We had to:
- Cut the compass template out and stick it on the plastic lid
- Half…

Art and Design
We've finished!
We are officially ancient Greek potters! The ancient Greeks are famous for their painted pottery, often known as 'vase painting'. The amazingly detailed and varied scenes they painted on their pottery have given us a great insight into their lives.
Class 3 have worked hard…
Too good not to share!
Jetez un coup d'œil au restaurant français de Tilly! Bonnes filles de travail!
(Take a look below at Tilly's wonderful french restaurant! Good work girls!)

Class 4 presents: Livin' on a Prayer
As promised, here is our amazing performance of this well known song!
Class 4 really are a talented bunch.
Can you spot the different instruments?
Sit back and enjoy the show!
Homework Heroes - Spring 1 - Week 4
Homework Heroes - Spring 1 - Week 4
Last week, Mrs Warner’s maths group were working hard to multiply decimal numbers with up to 2 decimal places (2.d.p)
We learnt a method to help us with this process. Firstly, we needed to multiply the decimal by 10 or 100 to make it into a
Homework Heroes
This week’s homework hero is Lizzy.
Lizzy used numicon as inspiration to create an amazing number bonds to 10 poster.
Well done Lizzy!

In Reception this half term we have been looking at "Pirates" as our topic.
We have been so impressed with all of the brilliant things the class have brought in to share with us. We've had telescopes, pirate maps, lots of messages in bottles and even a cannon!
Thank you Harrison…

Leo's Diary
Leo's weekend diary - Charlie!
Leo went home with Charlie this weekend and it looks like they had a fantastic time together; helping out with spellings, playing with Charlie's little sister and pets, as well as having a yummy indian! Thank you for a fab weekend Charlie!
Homework Hero
Homework Heroes - Week 4
After another creative and imaginative week of homework, our homework heroes are Millie L, Kara and Liberty.
Millie L
beautifully presented work about different forces, she looked at the magnetic force, pushing and pulling. Furthermore, Millie completed her times…
'The boy who flew too close to the sun'
Over the past few weeks, Class 3 have been learning all about Greek mythology. In particular, we have been focussing on the Greek myth 'Daedalus and Icarus - the boy who flew too close to the sun'.
First, we created a story board by annotating our…
Pupil Blog - Maths
Written by Millie B and Millie L
This week in Maths we have been learning about fractions.
In red group we have been making fraction walls by separating squares into different numbers and splitting them into equal sections, we coloured these in and tried to discover any equivalent fractions.…