Art and Design
Greek Pottery
On Wednesday it was time for the second stage of our pottery making. We painted our dried pots with a base coat colour of either black or orange. Next week we will be painting our traditional Ancient Greek patterns.
Take a closer look at our photos in our photo…

Three Little Birds
For the past few weeks, we have been working hard in music to learn the words and the notes to Bob Marley's 'Three Little Birds'.
Today, we performed our song to Class 4. See below how we got on!

Sharing our work across the school
On Wednesday afternoon, Class 4 joined Class 2 in the school hall to buddy together.
Class 4 have been especially proud of their homework this week. Their task was to create a detailed map of Aberford
using 'Google Maps' and then transform this into a…
Classifying Sweets
Written by Alfie and Lewis
On Tuesday afternoon in Science, Class 4 were set the challenge of classifying different types of sweet (this means separating them using a branching key)
The sweets involved were: Rolos, Smarties, Haribo, Liquorice Allsorts and Fruit…

This week we have started examining the picture book 'Tuesday'. The plot is rather complicated and extremely
mysterious as frogs, sitting on lilypads, begin their flight through the night sky!
As part of our unit on journalistic writing, we have begun to delve deeper into…
Leo's Diary
Leo's Weekend Diary - Bethany
Wow! Leo has returned back to school absolutely shattered after his jam packed birthday weekend with Bethany! He was extremely lucky to have been invited to Bethany's birthday party this weekend which involved going to see Sing at the cinema and for a delicious…

Science - Forces and Magnets
Magnet Strength
Today, Class 3 pupils investigated the strength of different magnets. As a class, we brainstormed ideas as to how we would test strength and played around to see which methods would be realistic for us to carry out. We finally decided that we would test the strength of magnets…
Homework Heroes - Spring 1 - Week 3
Homework Heroes - Spring 1 - Week 3
This week, Class 4 were challenged to produce a detailed map of Aberford, indicating all of the key areas and main landmarks. Most children used Google Maps to help them complete this task; they found it very interesting looking at Aberford from this…
Homework Hero
Homework Heroes - Week 3
Once again, Class 3 have produced some fantastic homework pieces! I have, once again, had to choose 3 children for homework hero as it was too difficult to choose! Huge well done to everyone this week but in particular Tilly, Billy and Beth.
produced two…
In Class 3, we have been working hard on our French accent and fluency of speaking. We have been practicing french greetings, such as
- Bonjour
- Salut
- Coucou
- Állo
- Ca,va?
- Comment allez vous?
- Trés bien, merci
- Oui, bein merci
- Comment t'appelle tu?
- Je m'appelle…
Pupil Blog - Greek Pottery
Weekly blog by William and Beth
Ancient Greek artists created paintings and sculptures, but one of their most famous inventions is the black and orange decorated pot. These were both practical objects that could be used for wine or water, and beautiful works of art. In Class 3 we have started…
Science - Forces and Magnets
Last week we looked at forces and how they can make an object slow down, speed up or change direction. This week we explored magnets and magnetic forces.
We learnt that magnetism is an invisible force that acts between two materials that do not have to be in direct contact. You…