Class 4 - Music
In our Music lesson today, we enjoyed perfecting our vocals to Bon Jovi's 'Livin' on a prayer'.
We have also been learning the notation for the instrumental section and accompanying the music during the 'orchestra' section.
Watch this space for our performance infront of…
Leo's Diary
Leo was lucky enough to go home with Tilly this weekend, it looks like they had a fantastic weekend! (I'm glad he survived playing with Herbie!)
Homework Hero
Homework Heroes - Week 2
Wow! What another fantastic week of homework pieces, I am yet again very impressed by the variety and quality of homework. Well done Class 3 - keep up the good work.
Our homework heroes this week are Bethany, Chloe D and William.
spoilt the Class…
Homework Heroes
Homework Heroes - Week 1
This week’s homework hero is Ruby. Ruby created an amazing map of Aberford to link with our current geography topic of mapping. It even included a detail key. Well done Ruby!
Homework Heroes – Spring 1 - Week 2
Homework Heroes – Spring - Week 2
Once again, Class 4 have blown me away with the creative, imaginative and eye-catching pieces of homework they have produced! Keep up the superb standard of work!
I have selected two children who have come up with well-presented, detailed and…
R.E - What do creation stories tell us about our world?
The Jewish Creation Story
Today we studied the Jewish beliefs about creation, and considered what the story tells us about the world. We sequenced the story and created storyboards in our books. Throughout the lesson we suggested meanings for the different parts of the story and recognised…

History - Ancient Greece
Ancient Greek Olympics
In History today, we travelled back in time to 776BC, when the first Olympic Games took place. They were held in honour Zeus, and took place every 4 years at Olympia. At this time any wars going on between City states were stopped so all could take part.
In groups, we…
Pupil Blog - Forces in Action
Weekly blog by Caden and Chloe S
This week we have being learning about forces in Science. In groups we carried out an investigation to find out how much force is needed to move a toy car on different surfaces.
Prediction: it will take more force to move on a rough surface
Performance Poetry
Class 4 English lesson By Abigail and Isobel
We have been reading Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. Today, in our English lesson, we listened to some sounds of the sea in a storm. Whilst we listened to this, we wrote down how Michael,…
Homework Heroes - Spring - Week 1
Homework heroes – Spring - Week 1
I am always incredibly proud of the homework produced in Class 4. Every single week, without fail, I am impressed with the standard of work produced, as well as the creativity and detailed ideas!
This week it has been very difficult to select two ‘Homework…
Leo's Diary
Leo the Lion!
Here in Class 3, we have an extra member of our class! Our class pet, Leo the Lion.
Leo is lucky enough to go home with a member of Class 3 every weekend for an action packed adventure. The children take home his weekend dairy and write about all the wondeful things they got…
Homework Hero
Homework Heroes - Week 1
I was blown away today by the effort and creative work put into this week’s homework pieces by all children! I would like to say a huge well done as I am extremely proud. It has been very hard to choose but our homework heroes for this week are: Liberty, Jessica and…