Leo's Diary
Leo's weekend with Harry
"This weekend I went home with Harry. After school I met his new baby cousin, Ryan. Then we went to Harry's house, where I played his guitar and I also met his dogs, Betsy and Lola, they were very excited to meet me. After that, we went to bed - Harry has the top bunk.…

Pupil Blog - Science
Weekly blog by Evie H and Maddie
This week in Science we have been learning about our muscles and how regular exercise can make them stronger. First we exercised our biceps and triceps using water bottles so that we could feel our muscles working. We had to hold the bottles with our arms…
Daffodil Drawing
In Art this afternoon we ventured outside to the grounds of St Ricarus Church to participate in and develop our skills in still life drawing. We had a wonderful afternoon in the sunshine and created some beautiful drawings of the daffodils that fill the church grounds.
Homework Hero
Homework Heroes - Week 3
Deciding on homework heroes this week was a tricky job! Well done to our homework heroes - Tilly, Alexander and Chloe D.
wrote a petrifying ending to the narrative I set, it well and truly sent shivers down my spine! Well done Tilly, it was a superb piece…
Leo's Diary
Leo's weekend with Liam!
This weekend Leo went home with Liam! Yet again it looks like Leo has had a fabulous weekend - playing in the park, walking in the woods, swinging from Liam's living room light, playing with Liam's dog and even taking a trip to the local pub!
Science - Keeping Healthy
Bones in the human body!
This week we have been looking skeletons! We have learnt that not all animals have an internal skeletons and that the presence of this is an important feature in classifying animals. We learnt that a skeleton is needed for support, protection and movement.
Pupil Blog - Maths
Weekly blog by Billy and Liam
This week in Maths we have being looking at measurement. We have been measuring things like our friends, their feet and objects in and out of the classroom. While doing this we have practised measuring accurately using rulers, tape measures and meter sticks.

Setting Descriptions!
In English today, Class 3 were given a cold task. The children were given a synopsis and asked to write a setting description of a place where the story could be set. Take a listen so some of our fabulous work below! - Remember to turn your volume up!
Leo's Diary
Leo's Weekend Diary - Tommy-Lee
Leo has had yet another exciting weekend! This weekend Leo went to stay at Tommy-Lee's house, and it looks like he's been spoilt rotten. Leo has had fun playing on Tommy-Lee's x-box and even had a go on his driving game steering wheel! Yesterday Leo was even…
Homework Hero
Homework Heroes - Week 2
Deciding on homework heroes this week has been exceptionally difficult. I am extremely pleased with every member of the class today - standards of homework fantastic! Three who stood out that little bit more today were William, Poppy and Liam. Take a look below at their…
Pupil Blog - World Book Day!
Weekly blog by Oliver and Alexander
Today we have been celebrating world book day, it is a celebration of authors, illustrators, books and most importantly it's a celebration of reading.
We started the day with a special book day assembly, led by some of our classmates, two gangster…

Famous French Geographical Landmarks
Our topic in Geography this term is all about France! We are carrying out a geographical study of the country. Today, we worked in pairs to each research a famous French landmark, building or area. We looked at;
- The Eiffel Tower - Did you know the…