Homework Heroes - Week 2
Deciding on homework heroes this week has been exceptionally difficult. I am extremely pleased with every member of the class today - standards of homework fantastic! Three who stood out that little bit more today were William, Poppy and Liam. Take a look below at their wonderful work.
completed his weekly food diary in great depth this week, looking at his food intake, water intake and even his quantity of sleep! William then analysed and evaluated his week, identifying that he needs to increase the amount of water he drinks as well as the amount of green veg, to ensure he doesn't feel tired. For William's second homework piece he completed the narrative I set, creating tension and suspense! Excellent work William.
impressed this week, creating a video explaining why it is important to respect each other's faiths and beliefs! I thoroughly enjoyed watching Poppy's video, seeing her teach her parents about the importance of respect. Well done! Poppy also wrote a wondeful rhyming poem about France, which must have taken a lot of time to plan and write. Two fantastic pieces!
worked very hard on him homework this week, creating a new animal and designing a new super power! The power of growing grass, I thought was a fantastic idea and would definitely come in handy! Good job Liam.
20 March 2017
I really like Poppy's homework!