Roman Marching
We have joined the Roman army!
Today Class 3 have been working hard on their legion formations. The entire foundation of Roman infantry tactics was based on the idea that keeping troops in order would help them fight more effectively.
The combat formation used by the Romans was called the…
Homework Hero
Homework Hero - Week 3
We've had yet another fantastic week for homework in Class 3. Three people who stood out in particular; Millie B, Harry and Emily - well done!!
Millie B
has been very creative this week! Millie's art attack homework was inspired by her visit to the coast, where she…

Leo's Diary
Leo's weekend with Oliver!
Wow, the boys have certainly been busy this weekend! Leo was lucky enough to go and see Oliver in his climbing competition in Edinburgh! We are all very proud in Class 3 as Oliver came first! Take a look at the video below!
"This weekend, I went home with Oliver…
We love to read!
Here in Class 3, we love to read books. Whether they be fact books, adventure story books or even comics! We enoy sharing books and reading together with our class mates! Today, we took advantage of the lovely weather and took time to read outside this afternoon.
Art and Design
Roman Shields!
In Art this afternoon, we have been painting the inside of our shields! They're coming along very nicely, we're excited to decorate the front next week!
Take a closer look at our photos in our photo gallery!
Homework Hero
Homework Hero - Week 2
This week the standard of homework in Class 3 has being amazing again! The children have created more Roman shields, found interesting facts, wrote beautiful poetry and much more...
has once again completed two fantastic pieces of homework. Firstly, she went…
What parts of a plant do we eat?
Well, that completely depends of what type of plant it is. Today Class 3 have been classifying plants, according to which part is eaten. There are 6 categories:
- Stem and shoots
- Leaves
- Roots
- Flowers
- Fruits
- Nuts and seeds
We then had great…
Roman roads
This week in History, we looked at why the Romans built new roads in Britain and created a model to show the cross section of a Roman road.
Before the Romans arrived, Britain had no proper roads. The Celts rode horses, walked and travelled in carts pulled by oxen along paths and…
Leo's Diary
Leo's weekend with Evie H
This weekend Leo spent the weekend with Evie H, and was treated to his first ever haircut! Doesn't he look smart now? Leo was then treated to a cup of tea and cake! I'm glad you had a fantastic weekend together!
Art and Design
Roman Shields!
We are very excited in Class 3 to be bringing History alive! In Art this half term, we are making Roman shields. On Wednesday, we gave our shields their first cover of red paint! Don't they look amazing already?
Take a closer look at our photos in our photo…
This afternoon Class 3 have been identifying and describing different parts of flowering plants, including the roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers. The children took their time, carefully drawing the plants, then labelled and annotated their drawings from their close…
Homework Hero
Homework Heroes - Week 1
Wow! Homework submitted today has been absolutely fantastic, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading through all your pieces. I've learnt many interesting facts, read about different plants and seen some truly amazing Roman shields.
impressed me this week by…