Homework Hero
Homework Hero - Week 3
created an amazing story book for his Mr Men character; Mr Explore. It took us on an exciting journey across Yorkshire, with photos to bring it alive. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, well done Billy!
For Billy's second piece, he worked with Oliver and…
Homework Hero
Weekly blog by Bethany S and Chloe D
Homework Heroes - Week 2
This week class 3 have created lots of fantastic pieces of homework again. Our two homework heroes are Tilly and Millie B who have really impressed us all with the work.
First of all, Tilly created an amazing art attack in her…
Newspaper Writing
Class 3 have turned into reporters this week to report of the tragic murder of three innocent little pigs. As a class, we reinacted the crime scene and spoke to some key witesses of the terrible attack. Check back soon for full news coverage on the story ..
Take a…
Science - Flowers
Pollinating Flowers by William S
We looked at the reproductive parts of the flower in Science yesterday. The reproductive parts include;
- Stamen - produces the pollen
- Stigma - is sticky so it makes the pollen stick to the plant from a bee, it then sends it to the ovaries
- Style - sends…
Homework Hero
Homework Hero - Week 1
We are into our last half term of the school year, which means the last group of homework tasks. The children were very excited to find out their tasks and get started, which clearly shows in the work handed in today. Three children in particular stood out this week;…
Newspaper writing
This week we have turned into journalists and been exploring newspaper writing. We worked in pairs to identify the key features;
- headline
- byline
- opening sentence
- quotes
- main body
- pictures/ photos
- captions
- closing sentence

Leo's Diary
Leo's weekend with Caden
Wow! It looks like Leo has had a fantatic, jam-packed weekend with Caden! Take a little look below at what the pair got up to ..
Pupil Blog - Maths
Weekly blog by Liberty and Liam
Data and Graphs
In maths this week, we have been working on data handling. There are many ways to show data. We have drawn
- bar charts
- pie charts
- line graphs
- pictograms
- time graphs
First we decided what data to collect Liberty asked the class…
We've joined the Roman army!
Our shields are finished and we joined the army! On Thursday, Class 3 held their last marching practise before the half term. We have all thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Romans and loved making our shields. Once marching practice was over, we let Class 1 have…