Nellie's Tree
Nellie's Tree
Wow, what an amazing morning - Class 3 went to visit Nellie's Tree, voted UK's Tree of the Year!! The tree is a beech tree grafted into an N-shape to woo a sweetheart named Nellie. Almost 100 years ago, Vic Stead grafted a sampling between two others to form the letter N as he…

Children around the world week - India
Wow, we have had an amazing week learning all about India. From researching about the physical and human Geography, different religions, native animals, cultures and celebrations, to making chapattis and tasting India food, from making and decorating…

Roman Mosaics
Roman Mosaics
While Miss Brown was on a training course, we were lucky enough to have Mrs O'Neill teach us art this week. Linking to our History topic, we learnt about Roman mosaics and created our very own using different medias.

Book Hedgehogs
How cute are our book hedgehogs?! Class 3 have made some amazing book hedgehogs today, they are going to watch over and support our reading. Once we have read a book, we are going to write the name of it on a leave and place it under the hedgehog! By the end of the year, it will…

Christmas has come early!!
Christmas Already?
Class 3 spent the afternoon making our Christmas cards so they can be sent home to families and orders can be collected! Here's a sneak peak ...
Take a closer look at our photos in our photo gallery!

Christmas in September!
Christmas in September!
Christmas has well and truly come early in Class 4 this week as we have been designing our Christmas cards ready to come home for families to order! Here is a sneaky peak of our amazing designs.
Take a closer look at our photos in our photo gallery!
Creative Clay Tiles
Creative Clay Tiles
Our art topic for this half term came to an exciting end yesterday as we created our clay tiles featuring our feather designs. We had to take care to carve our designs, adding texture, pattern and shape. We have learned some fascinating facts throughout the week and have had…
Perfect Printing
Printing Feathers
Class 4 have become perfect printers this morning as they have extended their feather designs using repeated tile prints.
We had to carefully carve our designs into the polystyrene tiles, making sure we did not press on too hard to cause a hole or tear in the…
Fantastic Feathers
Class 4 Artists
We have had great fun this week as we have launched straight in to our Art topic for this half term. We started by closely examining feathers - looking at their textures, tones and make up. We then had a go at drawing our own feathers using different coloured backgrounds…
The Spaghetti and Marshmallow Challenge
'Teamwork makes the dream work!'
In Class 3 we are a team - and a fantastic team at that! This morning Miss Brown challenged us to work as a team to construct the tallest lone standing spaghetti and marshmallow tower we could. Due to our excellent listening skills, patience, encouragement and…
The Spaghetti and Marshmallow Challenge
Teamwork Challenge
"Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success." (Henry Ford)
Class 4 had a fun-filled first day back as they were challenged to build the tallest tower using only spaghetti and marshmallows. The children had to use many…

Class 4 - Our Graffiti Walls
Class 4 - Our Graffiti Walls
Class 4 were shown examples of stencil street art which is used for advertising. From here the children had to explain how graffiti and street art may be used to appeal to advertisers and how street artists develop their own distinctive styles: it can be bright,…